The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ghosaka (adj.) sounding, proclaiming, shouting out ( -- ˚), in dhamma˚ praising the Law J ii.286; Satthu<br />

gu*a˚ sounding the praise of the Master DhA iii.114. As n. Name of a deva (Gh. devaputta) DhA i.173.<br />

Ghosan!<br />

Ghosan! (f.) fame, renown, praise, in M!ra˚ J i.71.<br />

Ghosavant<br />

Ghosavant (adj.) full of sound, roaring J iii.189.<br />

Ghosita<br />

Ghosita 1. [pp. of ghoseti] proclaimed, renowned, PvA 107 (=ghu&&ha); VvA 31 (nakkhatta'). As Npl.<br />

Ghosit!r!ma DhA i.53, 161, 208. -- 2. [n. ag.=ghosit%, cp. ghosaka] one who proclaims, advocates, or<br />

heralds; in Np. Ghositase&&hi DhA i.187.<br />

Ghoseti<br />

Ghoseti [Denom. of ghosa, cp. Sk. gho+ayati, caus. to ghu+] to proclaim, announce; cry aloud, wail, shout J<br />

ii.112; iii.52; Pv ii.937 (=uggh˚); iv.63; pp. ghosita & ghu&&ha (q. v.). -- Caus. ghos!peti to have proclaimed<br />

J i.71.<br />

C. Ca<br />

Ca (indef. enchtic particle) [Vedic ca adv. to rel. pron. *q9o, idg. *que=Cr. te, Lat. que, Goth. -- h. Cp. ka,<br />

ki, ku] 1. Indefinite (after demonstr. pron. in the sense of ki'=what about? or how is it? cp. ki')=ever,<br />

whoever, what -- ever, etc. [Sk. ka$ca, Gr. o(s te, Lat: quisque, Goth. hvazuh] so ca whoever (see below 3),<br />

tañ ca pan' amh!ka' ruccati tena c' amh! attaman! M i.93; yañ ca kho . . . ceteti yañ ca pakappeti . . .<br />

whatever he thinks, whatever he intends . . . S ii.65. As a rule the <strong>Pali</strong> form corresp. to Sk. ka$ca is<br />

*kascid=koci, & ci (cid) is the regular P. representative of the indefinite ca (cp. cana & api). -- 2.<br />

Copulative or disjunctive according to the general context being positive or negative. (a) copulative: and,<br />

then, now: tad! ca now then, and then (in historical exposition) J iii.188. Most frequent in connecting two<br />

or three words, usually placed after the second, but also after the third: attha' anatthañ ca Dh 256;<br />

pubbâpar!ni ca Dh 352; ala' etehi ambehi jamb(hi panasehi ca J ii.160. -- In the same sense added to each<br />

link of the chain as ca -- ca (cp. Sk. ca -- ca, Gr. te te, Lat. que que; also mixed with constituents of similar<br />

pairs as api -- ca, cp. te -- kai): tuyhañ ca tass! ca to you and her (orig. this or whatever to you, whatever to<br />

her)=to you as well as to her J i.151. Often with the first member emphasized by eva: c' eva, as well as: hasi<br />

c' eva rodi ca he laughed as well as cried J i.167; ma'sena c' eva phal!phalena ca with flesh as well as with<br />

all kinds of fruit J iii.127; subhaddako c' eva supesalo ca J iii.82; c' eva apace pad(se pi ca waste and even<br />

defile ThA 72 (Ap v.40). (b) disjunctive: but (esp. after a negation): yo ca but who Th 1, 401; yad! ca<br />

but when (cp. tad! ca) J iii.128. In conditional clauses (cp. 3) combd with sace=but if, on the other hand:<br />

sace ag!ra' ajjh!vasati . . . sace ca pabbajati ag!r! Sn 1003. With neg, na ca=but not: mahat" vata te bondi,<br />

na ca paññ! tad(pik! (but your wisdom is not in the same proportion) J ii.160. 3. Conditional: if<br />

[=Vedic ced, Lat. absque] D i.186, 207; ii.36, 57 (j!ti ca not va); M i.91; S iii.66 (r(pañ ca att! abhavissa);<br />

A i.58; v.87; J ii.110 (ciram pi kho khadeyya yava' . . . ravam!no ca d(sayi: "he might have caten a long<br />

time, if he had not come to harm by his cry," or "but"); iv.487; v.185, 216 (Sakko ca me vara' dajj! so ca<br />

labbhetha me varo: "if S. will give me a wish, that wish will be granted," or: "whatever wish he will allow,<br />

that one will be fulfilled"); vi.206, 208. -- na ca (at the beginning of an interrog. phrase)= if not S i.190<br />

(aha' ca kho . . . pav!remi, na ca me Bhagav! kiñci garahati: if the Bh. will not blame me). For BSk.<br />

ca=ced see Av- ii.189, n. o.<br />


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