The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Rujaka<br />

Rujaka [fr. ruj?] a lute -- player J vi.51, 52, given by Kern, Toev. s. v. as conjecture (v"*a') va rujaka for<br />

virujaka. <strong>The</strong> conjecture is based on C. reading "rujaka=v"*!v!daka."<br />

Rujati<br />

Rujati [ruj, representing an Idg. *leug, as in Gr. leugale/os, lugro/s sad, awful; Lat. lugeo to mourn; Lith.<br />

lú@ti to break; German lücke, loch etc. -- A specific P!li l -- form is lujjati. A der. fr. ruj is roga illness. --<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dhtp (469) defines ruj by "bhanga" i. e. breaking] to break, crush; lit. to (cause) pain, to afflict, hurt<br />

(trs. & intrs.) J i.7 (p!d! rujanti), 396 (p!d! me rujanti my feet ache); iv.208 (khandhena rujantena with<br />

hurting back); vi.3 ((r( rujanti); Mhvs 10, 15 (p!d! me r.); Miln 26 (p!d! r.); DhA i.10, 21 (akkh"ni me<br />

ruji'su); ii.3. -- fut. rucchiti [cp. Sk. roMsyate] J vi.80 (v. l. B.B. rujjati; C. takes wrongly as "rodissati," of<br />

rodati). -- pp. lugga. -- Cp. lujjati & combns.<br />

Rujana<br />

Rujana (nt.) [fr. ruj, cp. ruj!] hurting, feeling pain J ii.437 (roga=rujana -- sabh!vatta'); J iv.147 (y!va<br />

pi&&hiy! rujana -- ppam!*a' until his back ached).<br />

Rujanaka<br />

Rujanaka (adj.) [fr. rujana] aching, hurting DhA iv.69 (anguli).<br />

Ruj!<br />

Ruj! (f.) [fr. ruj, see rujati; cp. Sk. ruj!] disease, pain Miln 172 (ruja' na karoti); Vism 69; DhA iv.163<br />

(accha˚ a bad pain).<br />

Rujjhati<br />

Rujjhati [Pass. of rundhati] to be broken up, to be destroyed J iii.181 (p!*! rujjhanti; C. expls by nirujjhati).<br />

Cp. upa˚, vi˚.<br />

Ru&&ha<br />

Ru&&ha [pp. of ru+; Sk. ru+&a] vexed, cross, enraged J iv.358 (opp. to tu&&ha v. l. atu&&ha) v.211 (gloss<br />

kuddha); D!vs iii.37.<br />

Ru&hati<br />

Ru&hati see lu&hati & cp. rudda.<br />

Ru*<br />

Ru* a sound -- particle, denoting a heavy fall, something like "thud" J i.418.<br />

Ru**a & Ro**a<br />

Ru**a & Ro**a [pp. of rudati for Sk. rudita, after analogy of other roots in -- d, as tud>tunna, pad>panna,<br />

nud> nunna. <strong>The</strong> BSk. forms are both ru*.a (MVastu

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