The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ko&&a<br />

Ko&&a (?) breaking, asi -- k˚ note on Vin iv.363 (for asiko&&ha Vin iv.171?); ˚a&&hi at Vism 254 read ko&&h˚.<br />

-- 228 --<br />

Ko&&ana<br />

Ko&&ana [fr. ko&&eti] 1. grinding, crushing, pounding (grains) J i.475; ˚pacan' !di pounding and cooking, etc.<br />

DhA ii.261. -- 2. hammering or cutting (?) in d!ru˚ J ii.18; vi.86 (ma'sa˚, here "beating," T. spells &&h). Cp.<br />

adhiku&&an!.<br />

Ko&&ita<br />

Ko&&ita (pp. of kotteti] beaten down, made even Vism 254, 255.<br />

Ko&&ima<br />

Ko&&ima a floor of pounded stones, or is it cloth? D!vs iv.47.<br />

Ko&&eti<br />

Ko&&eti [cp. Sk. ku& & ku&&a1. Expld one -- sidedly by Dhtp (91 & 556) as "chedane" which is found only in<br />

3 and adhiku&&an!. <strong>The</strong> meaning "beat" is attributed by Dhtp (557) & Dhtm (783) to root ku&3 (see k(&a3)<br />

by expla "ako&ane." Cp. also k(&a4; !ko&eti & pa&iko&eti] -- 1. to beat, smash, crush, pound J i.478; vi.366<br />

(spelt &&h); DhA i.25 (suva**a') 165. -- 2. to make even (the ground or floor) Vin ii.291 (in making floors);<br />

J vi.332. -- 3. to cut, kill SnA 178 (=hanti of Sn 121); DhA i.70 (pharasun!). -- pp. ko&&ita. -- Caus. ko&&!peti<br />

to cause to beat, to massage Vin ii.266; J iv.37 (&& the only v. l. B.; T. has &&h).<br />

Ko&&ha<br />

Ko&&ha1 (m. nt.) [Sk. ko+&ha abdomen, any cavity for holding food, cp. ku+&a groin, and also Gr. ku/tos<br />

cavity, ku/sdos pudendum muliebre, ku/stis bladder = E. cyst, chest; Lat. cunnus pudendum, Ger. hode<br />

testicle] anything hollow and closed in (Cp. gabbha for both meanings) as -- 1. the stomach or abdomen<br />

Miln 265, Vism 357; Sdhp 257. -- 2. a closet, a monk's cell, a storeroom, M i.332; Th 2, 283 (?)=ThA, 219;<br />

J ii.168. 3. a sheath, in asi˚ Vin iv.171. -- a&&hi a stomach bone or bone of the abdomen Vism 254, 255.<br />

-- abbhantara the intestinal canal Miln 67; -- âg!ra (nt.) storehouse, granary, treasury: in conn. with kosa (q.<br />

v.) in formula paripu**a -- kosa -- ko&&hâg!ra (adj.) D i.134, expld at DA i.295 as threefold, viz. dhana˚<br />

dhañña˚ vattha˚, treasury, granary, warehouse; PvA 126, 133; -- âg!rika a storehouse -- keeper, one who<br />

hoards up wealth Vin i.209; DhA i.101; -- !sa [=ko&&ha +a'sa] share, division, part; ˚ko&&h!sa (adj.) divided<br />

into, consisting of. K. is a prose word only and in all Com. passages is used to explain bh!ga: J i.254; 266;<br />

vi.368; Miln 324; DhA iv.; 108 (=pada), 154; PvA 58, 111, 205 (k!ma˚=k!magu*!); VvA 62; anekena k˚ --<br />

ena infinitely PvA 221.<br />

Ko&&ha<br />

Ko&&ha2 a bird J vi.539 (woodpecker?).<br />

Ko&&ha<br />

Ko&&ha3 [cp. Sk. ku&&ha] N. of a plant, Costus speciosus (?) J v.420.

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