The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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attack the corn in the field is given at J v.401, viz. visa -- v!ta; m(sika -- salabha -- suka -- p!*aka;<br />

seta&&hika -- roga etc., i. e. hurtful winds, mice, moths & parrots, mildew. -- <strong>The</strong> combn roga, ga*.a, salla is<br />

sometimes found, e. g. M ii.230; Vism 335. Of other single rogas we mention: kucchi˚ (stomach -- ache) J<br />

i.243; ahiv!taka˚ Vin i.78; J ii.79; iv.200; DhA i.231; pa*.u˚ jaundice Vin i.206; J ii.102; DhA i.25;<br />

ti*apupphaka˚ hay -- fever Miln 216. -- See also !tanka & !b!dha. On roga in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907,<br />

130. D i.11, 73; iii.182; S iii.32; iv.64; A ii.128, 142 sq.; iv.289,; Nd1 486; Vism 236 (as cause of<br />

death), 512 (in simile); VbhA 88 (in sim. of dukkha etc.); ThA 288; VvA 6 (rogena phu&&ha), 75 (sar"re r.<br />

uppajji); PvA 86 (kacchu˚), 212 (rogena abhibh(ta). -- Opp. aroga health: see sep. -- !tanka affliction by<br />

illness A ii.174 sq.; v.169, 318. -- ni..ha the nest or seat of disease Dh 148 (cp. DhA iii.110); as ˚n")a at It<br />

37. -- m(la the root of disease Sn 530. -- vyasana distress or misfortune of disease D iii.235 (one of the 5<br />

vyasan!ni: ñ!ti˚, bhoga˚, roga˚, s"la˚, di&&hi˚); Miln 196 (id.).<br />

Rogin<br />

Rogin (adj.) [fr roga] having a disease, suffering from ( -- ˚); one who has a disease Vism 194 (ussanna --<br />

vy!dhi dukkhassa); Sdhp 86. -- pa*.u˚ one who has the jaundice J ii.285; iii.401.<br />

Rocati<br />

Rocati [Vedic rocate, ruc, Idg. *leuq, as in Lat. luceo to be bright (cp. l(x light, l(men, l(na etc.); Sk.<br />

rocana splendid, ruci light, roka & ruk+a light; Av. raocantshining; Gr. amfi -- lu/kh twi -- light, leuko/s<br />

white; also with 1: Sk. loka world, locate to perceive, locana eye; Lith. laukti to await; Goth. liuhap<br />

light=Ohg. lioht, E. light; Oir l0che lightning. -- <strong>The</strong> Dhtp (& Dhtm) gives 2 roots ruc, viz. the one with<br />

meaning "ditti" (Dhtp 37), the other as " rocana" (Dhtp 395), both signifying "light" or "splendour," but the<br />

second probably to be taken in sense of "pleasing"] 1. to please, i. e. it pleases (with dat. of person) Th 2,<br />

415 (rocate); Mhvs 15, 9 (niv!so rocatu). Cp. BSk. rocyate Av- ii.158. -- 2. to find pleasure in (loc.) Miln<br />

338 (bhave). -- Caus. roceti: 1. to be pleased, to give one's consent DhA i.387 (gloss K rucitha ruceyy!tha).<br />

2. (with acc. of object) to find pleasing, to find delight in, to be attached to, to approve of, to choose S<br />

i.41 (vadha'); J i.142 (Devadattassa laddhi' r.); v.178 (pabbajja' roc' aha'=rocemi C.), 226 (kamma'). <br />

Freq. with dhamma' to approve of a doctrine or scheme, e. g. at Vin ii.199 (Devadattassa dhamma'); S<br />

i.133; Sn 94 (asata' dh.), 398 (dhamma' ima' rocaye); J iv.53 (dh. asata' na rocay!ma). -- Cp. abhi˚, !˚,<br />

vi˚.<br />

Ro**a<br />

Ro**a see ru**a.<br />

Rodati<br />

Rodati see rudati.<br />

Rodana<br />

Rodana (nt.) [fr. rud] crying, weeping DhA i.28; PvA 63, 64; Dhtp 144.<br />

Rodha<br />

Rodha1 [fr. rudh] obstruction, stopping, in cpd. para- p!*a˚ stopping the life of somebody else; life --<br />

slaughter, murder Sn 220; J ii.450. Cp. anu˚, ni˚, vi˚.<br />


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