The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Thus at S i.122; iii.124. In other combinations as 6 abbreviated for 10; four dis! plus uddha' & anudisa' at<br />

D i.222=A iii.368; four d.+uddha' adho & anudisa' at S i.122; iii.124; A iv.167. In phrase<br />

"mett!sahagatena cetas! eka' disa' pharitv! viharati" (etc. up to 4th) the all-comprehending range of<br />

universal goodwill is further denoted by uddha' adho tiriya' etc., e. g. D i.250; Vbh 272; see mett!. -- As a<br />

set of 4 or 8 dis! is also used allegorically ("set, circle") for var. combinations, viz. the 8 states of jh!na at<br />

M iii.222; the 4 satipa&&h!n! etc. at Nett 121; the 4 !h!r! etc. at Nett 117. See also in other applications<br />

Vin i.50 (in meaning of "foreign country"); ii.217; S i.33 (abhay!), 234 (puthu˚); iii.106; v.216; D iii.197<br />

sq.; It 103; Th 1, 874; Vv 416 (dis!su vissut!). -- disa' kurute to run away J v.340. diso disa' (often spelt<br />

disodisa') in all directions (lit. from region to region) D iii.200; J iii.491; Th 1, 615; Bu ii.50; Pv iii.16;<br />

Miln 398. But at Dh 42 to disa (enemy), cp. DhA i.324=coro cora'. See also J.P.T.S. 1884, 82 on abl.<br />

diso=di$atah. Cp. vidis!. -- k!ka a compass -- crow, i. e. a crow kept on board ship in order to search for<br />

land (cp. Fick, Soc. Gl. p. 173; E. Hardy, Buddha p. 18) J iii.126, 267; -- kusala one who knows the<br />

directions Vin ii.217; -- cakkhuka "seeing" (i. e. wise) in all directions J iii.344; -- .!ha "sky -- glow,"<br />

unusual redness of the horizon as if on fire, polar light (?) or zodiacal light (?) D i.10; J i.374: vi.476; Miln<br />

178; DA i.95; cp. BSk. di$od!ha Av- ii.198; -- pati (disampati) a king S i.86; J vi.45; -- p!mokkha world --<br />

famed J i.166; -- bh!ga [Sk. digbh!ga] direction, quarter Vin ii.217; -- m()ha [Sk. di=m(.ha] one who has<br />

lost his bearings Dpvs ix.15; -- v!sika living in a foreign country DhA iii.176. -- v!sin=˚v!sika DhA iv.27.<br />

Dissati<br />

Dissati Pass. of *dassati, q. v.<br />

D"gha<br />

D"gha (adj. -- n.) [Ved. d"rgha, cp. Caus. dr!ghayati to lengthen, *dl!gh as in Gr. dolixo/s (shaft),<br />

e)ndelexh/s (lasting etc.; cp. E. entelechy); Lat. indulges; Goth. tulgus (enduring)] 1. (adj.) long D i.17; M<br />

i.429; S i.104 (˚' addh!na'); Sn 146, 633 (opp. rassa); Dh 60, 409; Pv i.1011 (˚' antara' all the time);<br />

ii.955 (id.); Th 1, 646 (˚m -- antare); Dhs 617; KhA 245; PvA 27, 28, 33, 46. See def. at Vism 272. --<br />

d"ghato lengthways J vi.185; d"ghaso in length Vin iv.279; atid"gha too long Vin iv.7, 8. -- 2. (m.) a snake<br />

(cp. M Vastu ii.45 d"rghaka) J i.324; ii.145; iv.330. -- 3. N. of the D"gha Nik!ya ("the long collection")<br />

Vism 96. -- angulin having long fingers (the 4th of the marks of a Mah!purisa) D ii.17; iii.143, 150; --<br />

antara corridor J vi.349. -- !yu long -- lived (opp. app' !yu) D i.18; J v.71. Also as ˚ka D iii.150; DA i.135;<br />

Sdhp 511; -- !vu= ˚!yu in the meaning of !yasmant (q. v.) J v.120; -- j!ti (f.) a being of the snake kind, a<br />

snake DhA iii.322; also as ˚ka at J ii.145; iii.250; iv.333; v.449; DA i.252; -- dasa having long fringes D i.7;<br />

-- dassin [Sk. d"rghadar$in] far -- seeing (=sabba -- dass!vin) PvA 196; -- n!sika having a long nose Vism<br />

283. -- bh!*aka a repeater or expounder of the D"gha Nik!ya J i.59; Vism 36, 266, 286; DA i.15, 131; --<br />

ratta' (adv.) [Sk. *d"rghar!tra', see Indexes to Av-; Divy & Lal. V.; otherwise d"rgha -- k!la'] a long time<br />

D i.17, 206; A v.194; Sn 649; It 8; J i.12, 72; Pv i.44; ii.1311 (˚ratt!ya=˚ratta' PvA 165); Pug 15; DhA<br />

iv.24; -- loma long -- haired Vin iii.129; also as ˚ka at J i.484, f. ˚ik! S ii.228; -- sotthiya (nt.) long welfare<br />

or prosperity DhA ii.227.<br />

D"ghatta<br />

D"ghatta (nt.) [Sk. d"rghatva'] length A i.54.<br />

D"na<br />

D"na (adj.) [Sk. d"na] poor, miserable, wretched; base, mean, low D ii.202 (?) (˚m!na; v. l. ninnam!na); J<br />

v.448; vi.375; Pv ii.82 (=ad!najjh!saya PvA 107); iv.81; Miln 406; PvA 120 (=kapa*a), 260 (id.), 153;<br />

Sdhp 188, 324.<br />


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