The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Muddha2 & Muddh! [Vedic m(rdhan, the P. word shows a mixture of a -- and n -- stem] the head; top,<br />

summit. m. sg. muddh! Sn 983, 1026, & muddha' Sn 989; acc muddha' D i.95; Sn 987 sq., 1004,<br />

1025; Dh 72 (=paññ!y' eta' n!ma' DhA ii.73); & muddh!na' M i.243; iii.259=S iv.56; instr. muddhan!<br />

Mhvs 19, 30; loc. muddhani Sn 689, 987; M i.168; Vism 262; Mhvs 36, 66, in meaning "on the top of (a<br />

mountain)": Vin i.5 (here spelt pabbata -- muddhini)=S i.137; J iv.265 (Yugandhara˚); Pv ii.961<br />

(Naga˚=Sineru˚ PvA 138); Vism 304 (vammika˚ on top of an ant -- hill). -- Freq. in phrase muddh! (me, or<br />

no, or te) sattadh! phaleyya , as an oath or exclamn of desecration or warning: "(your) head shall split into<br />

7 pieces," intrs. spelt both phal˚ & ph!l˚ at J v.92 (te s. phal˚); Miln 157; DhA i.17 (me . . . ph!l˚), 41 (te<br />

phalatu s.), 42 (!cariyassa m. s. phalissati); iv.125 (no . . . ph!leyya); VvA 68 (me s. phal˚). -- In compn<br />

muddha˚. -- (n)a&&hi (muddhan -- a&&hi) bone of the head KhA 51. -- âdhip!ta head -- splitting, battering of<br />

the head Sn 988 sq., 1004, 1025; -- âdhip!tin head -- splitting (adj.) Sn 1026. -- âra head (top) spoke KhA<br />

172. -- âvasitta "head -- anointed" a properly anointed or crowned king D iii.60 sq., 69; Pug 56; Miln 234. -<br />

- p!ta=˚âdhip!ta.<br />

Muddhat!<br />

Muddhat! (f.) [fr. muddha1] foolishness, stupidity, infatua- tion J v.433 (v. l. mu&hat!, muddat!).<br />

Mudh!<br />

Mudh! (adv.) [Class. Sk. mudh!] for nothing, gratis VvA 77.<br />

Munana<br />

Munana (nt.) [fr. mun!ti, almost equal to mona] fathoming, recognising, knowing; a C. word to explain<br />

"muni," used by Dhp!la at VvA 114 (mah! -- isibh(ta' . . . mahanten' eva ñ!*ena munanato<br />

paricchindanato mah! muni'), & 231 (anavasesassa ñeyyassa munanato muni).<br />

Mun!ti<br />

Mun!ti [=manyate, prob. corresponding to Sk. med. manute, with inversion *munati and analogy formation<br />

after j!n!ti as mun!ti, may be in allusion to Sk. m%*!ti of m% to crush, or also m! min!ti to measure out or<br />

fathom. <strong>The</strong> Dhtm 589 gives as root mun in meaning "ñ!*a." <strong>The</strong> word is more a Com. word than anything<br />

else, formed from muni & in order to explain it] to be a wise man or muni, to think, ponder, to know Dh<br />

269 (yo mun!ti ubho loke mun" tena pavuccati), which is expld at DhA iii.396 as follows: "yo puggalo . . .<br />

tula' !ropetv! minanto viya ime ajjhattik! khandh! ime b!hir! ti !din! nayena ime ubho pi atthe min!ti<br />

mun" tena pavuccati." Note. <strong>The</strong> word occurs also in M!gadh" (Prk.) as mu*aï which as Pischel (Prk. Gr. §<br />

489) remarks, is usually taken to man, but against this speaks its meaning "to know" & P!li mun!ti. He<br />

compares ma*aï with Vedic m(ta in k!ma -- m(ta (driven by k!ma; m(ta=pp. of m(=m"v) and Sk. muni.<br />

Cp. animo movere.<br />

Muni<br />

Muni [cp. Vedic muni, originally one who has made the vow of silence. Cp. Chh. Up. viii.5, 2; Pss. of the<br />

Br. 132 note. Connected with m(ka: see under mukha. This etym. preferred by Aufrecht: Hal!yudha p. 311.<br />

Another, as favoured by Pischel (see under mun!ti) is "inspired, moved by the spirit." P!li explns (popular<br />

etym.) are given by Dhammap!la at VvA 114 & 231: see munana] a holy man, a sage, wise man. I. <strong>The</strong><br />

term which was specialised in Brahmanism has acquired a general meaning in Buddhism & is applied by<br />

the Buddha to any man attaining perfection in self -- restraint and insight. So the word is capable of many --<br />

sided application and occurs frequently in the oldest poetic anthologies, e. g. Sn 207 -- 221 (the famous<br />

Muni -- sutta, mentioned Divy 20, 35; SnA 518; expld SnA 254 -- 277), 414, 462, 523 sq., 708 sq., 811 sq.,<br />

838, 844 sq., 912 sq., 946, 1074 & passim (see Pj. Index p. 749); Dh 49, 225, 268 sq., 423. -- Cp. general<br />

passages & explns at Pv ii.113; ii.133 (expld at PvA 163 by "attahitañ ca parahitañ ca mun!ti j!n!t" ti

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