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Tablo 5. Deneme gruplarında kan serumu, karaciğer, kemik Ca, P, Cu ve Zn düzeyleri.<br />

Kontrol %0.5 Bentonit %1.0 Bentonit %2.0 Bentonit p <br />

Kan serumu <br />

Ca, mg/dl 8,84 8.80 8.87 8.88 0.919 <br />

P, mg/dl 4.71 4.43 5.00 5.00 0.971 <br />

Cu,mg/dl 16.00 a 1<strong>3.</strong>80 b 11.94 bc 9.77 c 0.010** <br />

Zn, mg/dl 15.77 15.93 14.32 15.04 0.634 <br />

Karaciğer <br />

Ca, mg/kg 19.31 20.94 21,23 23,55 0,203 <br />

P, g/kg <strong>3.</strong>11 <strong>3.</strong>13 <strong>3.</strong>14 <strong>3.</strong>17 0.816 <br />

Cu, mg/kg <strong>3.</strong>88 <strong>3.</strong>94 <strong>3.</strong>89 <strong>3.</strong>13 0.356 <br />

Zn, mg/kg 65.83 64.48 67.06 6<strong>3.</strong>02 0.998 <br />

Kemik <br />

Ca, % 18.57 18.05 18.27 18.38 0.928 <br />

P, % 9.71 9.69 9.67 9.92 0.888 <br />

Cu, mg/kg <strong>3.</strong>44 <strong>3.</strong>26 2.73 2.80 0.505 <br />

Zn, mg/kg 230.73 236.31 227.47 255.30 0.573 <br />

a,b.c: Aynı satırda farklı harf taşıyan ortalama değerler arasındaki fark istatistik bakımdan önemlidir **: p

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