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1 J.D. Pentecost; Bibel und Zukunft Alle Bibelzitate ... - Bibelkreis.ch

1 J.D. Pentecost; Bibel und Zukunft Alle Bibelzitate ... - Bibelkreis.ch

1 J.D. Pentecost; Bibel und Zukunft Alle Bibelzitate ... - Bibelkreis.ch


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Wale,<br />

Burlington B.<br />

Washington, C.<br />

M.<br />

Waugh,<br />

Thomas.<br />

West,<br />

Nathaniel.<br />

Westscott,<br />

Brooke Foss.<br />

Wilkinson,<br />

Samuel Hinds.<br />

Wyngaarden,<br />

M. J.<br />

Young, Edward<br />

J.<br />

Es<strong>ch</strong>atology. Grand Rapids, Mi<strong>ch</strong>igan: Wm. B Eerdman's Publishing Company, 1952.<br />

365 pp.<br />

The Closing Days of Christendom. London: Partridge, [n.d.1. 546 pp.<br />

"The Way of the Kings of the East," Light for the Worlds Darkness. John W. Bradbury,<br />

editor; New York: Ioizeaux Brothers, 1944. pp. 162-72.<br />

The Period of Judgment and the Saved Remnant. London: Thynne, 1919. 45 pp.<br />

When Jesus Comes. London: Charles H. Kelly, 1901. 186 pp.<br />

The Thousand Years in Both Testaments. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1880. 493 pp.<br />

The Epistle to the Hebrews. London: Macmillan, 1892. 504 pp.<br />

"Israel My Glory." London: Mildmay Mission to the Jews Book Store, 1894. 310 pp.<br />

The Future of the Kingdom in Prophecy and Fulfillment. Grand Rapids, Mi<strong>ch</strong>igan:<br />

Zondervan Publishing House, 1934. 211 pp.<br />

The Prophecy of Daniel. Grand Rapids, Mi<strong>ch</strong>igan: Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing<br />

Company, 1949. 330 pp.<br />

B. Artikel aus Encyplopädien<br />

Harnack, Adolf. "Millennium," The Encyclopaedia Britannica, XV, 495-95.<br />

Press, S. D. "Kingdom," International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, III, 1799-1808.<br />

Von Orelli, C. "Prophecy, Prophets," International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, IV, 2459-66.<br />

Vos, Geerhardus. "Gehenna," International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, II, 1183.<br />

C. Artikel aus Zeits<strong>ch</strong>riften <strong>und</strong> Magazinen<br />

Aldri<strong>ch</strong>, Roy<br />

L.<br />

Aldri<strong>ch</strong>,<br />

Willard M.<br />

"An Apologetic For Dispensationalism," Bibliotheca Sacra, 112:46-54, January, 1955.<br />

"Anglo-Israelism Refuted," Bibliotheca Sacra. 93:41-63, January, 1936.<br />

"The Interpretation of Acts 15:13-18," Bibliotheca Sacra, 111:317-23, October, 1954.<br />

Anonymous. "The Angels of the Seven Chur<strong>ch</strong>es," Bibliotheca Sacra, 91:433-41, October, 1934.<br />

Armerding,<br />

Carl.<br />

Barnard,<br />

Edward P.<br />

"Will There Be Another Elijah?" Bibliotheca Sacra, 100:89-97, January, 1943.<br />

"How To Study Prophecy," Our Hope, 60.77-85, August, 1953.<br />

J.D.<strong>Pentecost</strong> 471

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