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دليل إرشادي عن حماية النازحين داخلياالطوارئ،‏ وResponses ،HMD و ،GOAL ولجنة الإنقاذ الدولية،‏ ومنظمة أوكسنام،‏ وRedR‏،‏ ومنظمة إنقاذالطفولة ومنظمتي ‏”مركز الإيواء“‏ و ‏”الرؤية العالمية“.‏عند عدم توفر الخبرة والمشورة محليا،‏ ينبغي التماسها من خلال التجمع الدولي للإيواء الطارئ والذي قديوفد أخصائيا لتنسيق الأنشطة في هذا القطاع.‏■المراجع الرئيسية■ Transitional Settlement: Displaced Populations, Oxfam, June 2005.■ Women, Girls, Boys and Men: Different Needs - Equal Opportunities. IASC GenderHandbook in Humanitarian Action, IASC, December 2006.■ Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, Chapter 4, MinimumStandards in Shelter, Settlement and Non-Food Items, Sphere Project, 2004.■ Protecting Persons Affected by Natural Disasters, IASC Operational Guidelines on HumanRights and Natural Disasters, 2006.■ Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons: Implementing the“Pinheiro Principles,” FAO, NRC/IDMC, OCHA, OHCHR, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, 2007.■ General Comment No. 4 of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, UNDocument No. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.1, 29 July 1994.■ Shelter after Disaster: Guidelines for Assistance, OCHA, 1982. (In the process of beigrevised).■ Handbook for Emergencies, UNHCR, 3rd Edition, 2007.■ Needs Analysis Framework (NAF), OCHA, 2006.مواقع إلكترونية مفيدة■■■■IASC Emergency <strong>Cluster</strong>:www.oneresponse.info/<strong>Global</strong><strong>Cluster</strong>s/Emergency%20Shelter/Pages/default.aspxUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): www.unhcr.orgUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT): www.unhabitat.orgSphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response:www.sphereproject.org242

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