Chrestomathie bretonne : (armoricain, gallois, cornique)

Chrestomathie bretonne : (armoricain, gallois, cornique)

Chrestomathie bretonne : (armoricain, gallois, cornique)


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Bard (Ilivallonus lilius an), p. 190.<br />

Bardomagus, p. 22.<br />

Bardus, p. 15.<br />

Barlagadec, p. 193.<br />

Barrivendi, p. 42.<br />

Barza, p. 190.<br />

Bastart (Telent), p. 109.<br />

Bath Wenran, pp. 108, 109.<br />

Bath Guerran, pp. 97, 108.<br />

Battha (insula), p. 97.<br />

Baudobriga, p. 20.<br />

Becbran (Jedecael), p. 192.<br />

Becco, p. 15.<br />

Bedguet, p. 190.<br />

Beduu (villa), p. 109.<br />

Belatu, p. 22.<br />

Belatugadrus, pp. 5, 22.<br />

Belaïumara, p. 22.<br />

Belec (Kaer en), p. 189.<br />

Belesama, p. 9.<br />

Belgae, p. 13.<br />

Bellovesus, p. 22.<br />

Belstomnus(Pascuuetben),p. 109.<br />

Benitoe, p. 109.<br />

Benigaud, p. 109.<br />

Berhues, p. 190.<br />

Berhuider, p. 193.<br />

Bermagouet, p. 192.<br />

Berthgualt, p. 190.<br />

Berthret, pp. 190, 227.<br />

Berthues, p. 190.<br />

Berthou (Rivallon), p. 190.<br />

Berthuualt, pp. 109, 172.<br />

Berthuuor, p. 109.<br />

Beryan, Berrien, p. 190.<br />

Besch (Guegen an), p. 190.<br />

Besuoet, p. 190.<br />

Betfuric, pp. 109, 431.<br />

Betulla, p. 15.<br />

Beuuin (Bot), p. 109.<br />

384 —<br />

Beuzec, pp. 97, 192.<br />

Beuzec-cap-Caval, p. 192.<br />

Beuzec-Conc, p. 192.<br />

Beuzec-cap-Sizun, pp. 192, 230.<br />

Bezbot, p. 190.<br />

Bezver (la Trinité de), p. 191.<br />

Bibracte, p. 22.<br />

BiBROci, p. 22.<br />

Bihan (Vadum), p. 109.<br />

Bilian (Villa), pp. 110, 158.<br />

Biscam, pp. 110, 113.<br />

Biscan, Bescan, p. 110.<br />

Bitconiin, pp. 110, 119, n. 2.<br />

Bitmonoc, pp. 110, 152.<br />

BiTUDAGA, p. 36.<br />

BiTURix, pp. 13, 22.<br />

Blawec'h (fleuve), p. 110, n. 1.<br />

Blauued, Blaouez, pp. 110, 191.<br />

Blavet (le), p. 191.<br />

Blean (Champ an), p. 191.<br />

Bledic, p. 110.<br />

Blehuc, p. 110.<br />

Bleidbara, p. 110.<br />

Bleinchuant, p. 191,<br />

Bleinrin, p. 110.<br />

Bien (Le), p. 191.<br />

Blenlin, p. 110.<br />

Blenliuet, pp. 110, 14b.<br />

Bleinliuguet, pp. 110, 145.<br />

Blenliuuet, pp. 110, 145.<br />

Blenluet, pp. 110, 145.<br />

Bleiz (Bot), p. 191.<br />

Bleuhoc (Ker an), p. 191.<br />

Blezguenn, Blezuenn, p. 191.<br />

Bloez, p. 191.<br />

Bluchic, p. 191.<br />

Bluchiou, p. 191.<br />

Bobleis, p. 191.<br />

Bochiou, p. 191.<br />

Bodan, p. 110.

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