07.12.2012 Aufrufe

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung


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Abbildung 5.34: Monte Carlo simulation: Tracks of a 50 MeV electron (right) and a 300 MeV<br />

proton (left) in a model atmosphere [217]<br />

interaction (for instance, ionization, hadronic interaction, production of Bremsstrahlung)<br />

depending on the relative interaction cross sections. In our simple model, we adhere to<br />

the Bethe–Bloch equation and the only energy loss mechanism is ionization. Thus the<br />

second throw of the dice can be omitted and the interaction cross section for ionization<br />

also becomes the total interaction cross section. If no interaction occurs, the next time<br />

step starts. If an interaction happens, we have to throw the dice again to determine the<br />

energy loss from the energy loss distribution. The particle properties (energy, eventually<br />

also direction of motion) will be updated and the particle’s energy loss is added as an energy<br />

gain to the volume. Alternatively, it is also possible to just count the ionization processes<br />

in each volume element (or along each line element of the travel path). if fast secondaries<br />

are produced, they are treated as additional particles and also have to be tracked by a<br />

Monte Carlo simulation.<br />

The Model<br />

§ 879 Our model atmosphere is plane-parallel because the height of the atmosphere is small<br />

compared to Earth’ radius. Up to a height of 100 km it is divided into 29 equidistant layers;<br />

its remaining mass is condensed into a 30 th layer, 10 km thick: thus details of the energy<br />

deposit above 100 km are lost.<br />

§ 880 The composition of the atmosphere is homogeneous with 23.3 wt% O2, 75.5 wt% N2<br />

and 1.3 wt% Ar. For numerical studies, pressure, density and temperature height profiles are<br />

taken from the equatorial June atmosphere in the SLIMCAT/TOMCAT model [35]. This<br />

approach ignores the pronounced seasonal variability of the polar atmosphere and gives an<br />

average ionization profile instead [189]. For individual SEP events the corresponding polar<br />

atmosphere is used.<br />

§ 881 During a SEP event protons, electrons, and α-particles are accelerated (for a recent<br />

summary see e.g. [119]). Electron to proton ratios as well as energy spectra depend on the<br />

parent flare, in particular whether it is impulsive or gradual, the properties of the coronal<br />

mass ejection, and the geometrical relation between observer and solar activity.<br />

§ 882 Particle precipitation is assumed to be isotropic from the upper hemisphere: particle<br />

distributions in interplanetary space tend to be isotropic for electrons and become isotropic<br />

for protons during the time course of the event (e.g. examples in [122]). Observations by the<br />

MEPED (Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector) instrument on board POES (Polar<br />

2. Juli 2008 c○ M.-B. Kallenrode

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