07.12.2012 Aufrufe

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung


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Abbildung 5.39: Consequences<br />

of the large October 1989 event<br />

in the atmosphere at N75: HOx<br />

production (top), NOx production<br />

(middle) and ozone depletion<br />

(bottom)<br />

related to magnetic field reversals, variations of the terrestrial climate and variations of the<br />

atmosphere, in particular its composition.<br />

§ 906 These long-term questions can be analyzed with different scopes. For instance, we can<br />

perform a single event analysis as described above only for modified boundary conditions.<br />

This would be a suitable approach to understand ozone depletion in individual events during,<br />

for instance, a magnetic field reversal or in a changing atmosphere. However, since magnetic<br />

field reversals also are accompanied by climate change and mass extinction, we also might<br />

ask wether ozone depletion might lead to climate change. Since large solar energetic particle<br />

events are rather rare (a few per solar cycle), such speculation only can be reasonable if a<br />

single event has a sufficiently long influence on the atmosphere and thus the effects from<br />

events might overlap and amplify in time.<br />

§ 907 Figure 5.39 shows atmospheric consequences following the large solar energetic particle<br />

event in October 1989. The top panel shows vertical profiles of the HOx generation at 70 N,<br />

the middle panel the same for NOx. Both species are highly reactive and lead to ozone<br />

destruction. HOx is produced mainly at altitudes above 40 km. It is a short lived species and<br />

is easily destroyed by photochemical reactions and during the ozone depletion reaction. Thus<br />

HOx production during a solar energetic particle event certainly will not cause any longterm<br />

effects. The situation is different in case of NOx: it is produced over a much broader<br />

height range from about 20 km to the mesosphere, although the maximum production occurs<br />

above about 40 km. The fundamental difference compared to HOx is the live-time: particle<br />

precipitation is limited to a few days while high NOx levels persist for weeks to months. With<br />

2. Juli 2008 c○ M.-B. Kallenrode

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