07.12.2012 Aufrufe

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung

Erdfernerkundung - Numerische Physik: Modellierung


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5.5. CAWSES 271<br />

Abbildung 5.38: Ozone depletion following the series of large events in October/November<br />

2003: modeled and observed ozone variations in the northern and southern hemisphere [205]<br />

§ 902 In addition, the largest events provide the best test case for modeling: if the effect is<br />

large, its dilution due to natural variability is small. Thus a large solar particle event provides<br />

some kind of δ-stimulus for the atmosphere and its response can be analyzed despite all the<br />

natural noise underlying it. And solar energetic particle events can become quite large: in the<br />

Bastille day event in Fig. 5.30, particle intensities increase by up to 6 orders of magnitude<br />

above background thus providing a strong stimulus.<br />

§ 903 As a consequence, large solar energetic particle events can be used to calibrate the<br />

model chain mentioned above before we attempt to derive more subtle effects from our<br />

models.<br />

§ 904 To demonstrate the validity of the model chain, Fig. 5.38 shows comparisons between<br />

measurements by SCIAMACHY (top and third panel) and modeled (second and fourth panel)<br />

depletions in ozone following the large events in October/November 2003 for the northern<br />

(top panels) and southern (bottom panels) hemisphere. Spatial and temporal patterns in both<br />

hemispheres are reproduced quire reasonably, although as discussed before ozone depletion<br />

in the mesosphere is overrated while it is underestimated for late times in the stratosphere.<br />

However, these deviations between observations and model are small compared to the asymmetry<br />

between the two hemispheres: while both model and observations indicate a strong<br />

ozone depletion in the northern hemisphere, ozone variations in the southern hemisphere are<br />

almost negligible. Reasons for this asymmetry will be discussed below.<br />

Long–Term Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events<br />

§ 905 While the modeling of the influence of individual particle events on ozone is a goal<br />

in itself, our interest is concerned more with longer times scales, in particular time scales<br />

c○ M.-B. Kallenrode 2. Juli 2008

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