Norman Davies - Avrupa Tarihi

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Bolüm Norton 1221<br />

27 J. F, Palmer. The Saxon Invasion and lis Influence on Our Character as a Race', Transactions<br />

o/(lie Royal Histoi ical Society. N.S.. li (1885). 173-96.<br />

28 II. S. Chamberlain. Die Grundlagen des nciincchntcn Jahrhunderts (1899). W, ve A, Dtırrant'dan<br />

alınlı, 'Race and I listory'. The l essons o/History (New York. 1968)' da, 26-7,<br />

29 Bkz, H, Paszkievvicz. The Origins oj Russia (l.ondra, 1954); ayrıca 'Are the Russian Really<br />

Slavs? 1 Antmurah, 2 (Roma, 1955).<br />

30 F. M. Dosloevsky, The Diary oj a Writer, çev. B. Basol (l.ondra, 1949), 565-6. 632.<br />

31 Eric I lobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism since 1780 (Cambridge. 1990), 14.<br />

32 Timothy D. Synder, 'Kazimiers Kelles-Krauz: a political and intellectual biography'. D. 1'hii.<br />

tezi, Oxford Üniversitesi, 1995,<br />

33 Proterör Geoftery Hoskıns tarafından St. Anthony's College'da sunulan 'Empire and Nation<br />

in Russian History 1 adlı makaleye teşekkürlerle, Oxford, 3 Mayıs 1992.<br />

34 Bkz Louis I- Synder, The New Nationalism (New York, 1Q6S), 55 (ayrıca bkz. Gin j. aşağıda<br />

no. 66); Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, NJ, 1993),<br />

35 Kazimierz Brodzinski, alıntı ve çev. <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Davies</strong>, Heart oj Europe, 202,<br />

36 Coum Eduard von Taafe und Ballvmote (1833-95). 'Taafe sadece muammaya bir cevap bulmamakla<br />

kalmadı, bir tane aramadı bile': C.A. Macartney, The Habsbtırg Empire, 1770-1918<br />

(l.ondra. 1969). 615.<br />

37 Boııar Law, 1912, Encyclopedia ßritannica, ıı nci baskı (New York, 1911). 554; R. Kce. The<br />

Gleen Flag: a history o/Irish Nationalism (l.ondra, 1972),<br />

38 C.M. Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid), 'A drunk man looks at the thistle' (1926), 'The annals of<br />

the five senses' (1930), Collected Poems içinde (Londra, 1978); T. Nairn. The Break-up oj Hi i-<br />

tain: crisis and neonationaltsm, 2nci yay. (Londra, 1981); The Enchanted Glass Giitain and its<br />

monarchy (Londra. 1988), Ayrıca bkz. N. MacCortnick (der.), The Scottish Debate: essays on<br />

Scottish Nationalism (Oxford, 1970); G. Rnan, Scottish Nationalism; an announced bibliography<br />

(Weisport, Conn., 1984).<br />

39 Renan, 1882 (bkz yukarıda n. 25).<br />

40 Bkz. Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx: His l.i/e and Environment, 4neü yay. (Oxford, 1978); Angus<br />

Walker, Marx: His Theoty and Its Context, 2nd yay. (Londra, 1989).<br />

41 A.J. P. Taylor'dan, The Communist Mani/esto'ya giriş, çev. S. Moore (Harmonclsworlh. 1967).<br />

42 Tibor Szamuely'den alıntı. The Russian Tradition (l.ondra. 1974), 292. Bkz, Deborah Hardy,<br />

Petr Tlrndifv: The Critic as Jacobin (Seattle, 1977).<br />

43 Prolesbr Kolakowski, bu beyanatı çok sık yaptığından tam olarak nerede yazdığını utuuıugunu<br />

bildirir. Bkz eseri The Main Currents oj Marxism.' Its Origins, Ciow/li. and Dissolution (Oxford.<br />

1978).<br />

44 Robert Conquest, Szamuelv' ye giriş, The Russian Tradition, s ix.<br />

45 Bkz. G. Woodcock, Anarchism. A History oj Libertarian Ideas and Movements (Londra, 1963),<br />

'The Family Tree', 35-55.<br />

46 Percy Bysshe Shelley, Prometheus Unbound (1819), in. iii. 131-5, 154, 157-61.<br />

47 Peter Marchal, Demanding the Impossible: A History oj Anarchism (l.ondra, 1991)<br />

48 A.J.P. Taylor, 'The Wild Ones', Observer, 25 Ekim 1964, James joll'un btr review'u. The<br />

Anarchists (Londra, 1964).<br />

49 Taylor, 'Bismarc', 90.<br />

50 Bkz. F. Mai mo ve I). Sorkinjews in a Changing Europe. 1750-1870 (Oxford, 1990); P.Johnson,<br />

A History o/theJews (l.ondra, 1987).<br />

51 C Jelen'den alıntı, Le Point (Parts), i, 163 (1994), 45.<br />

52 Bkz. Heinz-Dieirich Loewe. The Tsars and thejews. Rc/orm, Reaction, and Aiuiscniitism in Imperial<br />

Russia, 1772-191 7 (Chıır. 1993); F. Raphael, The Necessity oj Antisctnitisnt (Southampton.<br />

1989); R. Wistiich, Ami-jiOJiism and Antiseinitism in the Contemporary World (Basingsloke,<br />

1990), Douglas Johnson, The Drey/us Affair (Londra, 1966), N. Cohn, Warrant for<br />

Genocide The Myth oj the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols oj the Elders oj Zion<br />

(Londra, 1967).

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