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Kutucu/t Notlan 1251<br />

ford 1994). 2 l.efkowit-, "The Wandering Womb", 12. 3. I". Shorter, A History of Women's<br />

Bodies (Londra, 1982). 4. Kavnağı belli değil.<br />

İZLENİM 1. Herman Wechsler, Lives of Eomons Ereneh Pointers (New York. 1962), 103-8. 2.<br />

(hid, 16.<br />

JACQUARD 1. Bkz, S. Augarten, [til by Bit An Illustrated History o/Computers (l.ondra. 1984).<br />

JEANS I. Bkz. Joanna Brogden, "Strauss, Levi" Eoııltınn Biogi uphical Companion to Modern Thought<br />

(Londra, 1983), 734.<br />

KABALA I. Bkz. Bernhard Pick, The Cabala: Its )u/Ititnee on Judaism and Christianity (La Salle,<br />

HI., 1913).<br />

KAFKASYA 1. J. I : , Blumenbacb, Collcctionis suae tranonim diversarum gentium ... (Göttingen,<br />

1798-1828). 2. Revd E. Cobham Bresver, The Dictionary of Phrase arid Fahle (1870; yeni<br />

bas. Nesv York, 1978), 229. 3. L. Poliakov, The Aryan Myth: A History of Raeist and Nationalist<br />

Ideas III Europe (New York, 1974), oz. 233 ff.; J, Boissel, Gobineau: Uli Don Quichotte<br />

iragique (Paris, 1981). 4. Bkz. Madison Grant, The Passing oj the Greal Race (Nesv York,<br />

1916), 5. Konunun daha yakın, popüler ve parlak ele alınışı için bkz. Steve Jones. Tire<br />

Language oj the Genes: Biology, History, and the Evolutionary Future (Londra, 1994). 6.<br />

Bkz. Ashley Montague, Statement on Race: An Annotated Elaboration o/ ... the Statements on<br />

Race Issued'by UNESCO (New York, 1972).<br />

KALEVALA 1. Prof. M, A, Branch'la teşekkürler. Ayrıca bkz. E, J. Oınas, Studies in Finnic/ollilorc:<br />

homage lo the Kalevala (Mania, 1985).<br />

KATYN I. NKVD'dcn Yoldaş Slalin'e, 5 Mart 1940 nr 794/5. CPSU Merkez Komuesi Arşivleri.<br />

Başkan Yeltsin tarafından hazırlanan belge Gaseta wyboreja'da yayınlandı (Warşova), nr<br />

245 (1016), 15 Ekim 1992. 2. Bkz. J. T. Gross, Polish Society under German Occupation.<br />

1939-4.5 (Princeton, 1979); R. Lucas, The Forgotten Holocaust (Lexington, KY, 1986). 3.<br />

Stahn'le Kreinhn'de görüşme, 14 Kasım 1941. S. Kol, Conversations with the Kremlin and<br />

Despatches from Russia (Londra, 1963). 112-43. 4. Moskova itiraflarını inceleyen olayı<br />

özetleyen ayrıntılı incelemeler arasında. The Crime of Kcıtyıı: Facts and Documents (Polish<br />

Cultural Foundation, 1948), çev. (Londra. 1965), ). Maekiewicz, The Kalyn Wood Murders<br />

(Londra, 1951), J. Czapski, The Inhuman Land (Londra, !951);J. K. Zawodny, Death in the<br />

Forest: The story of the Kalyn Forest Massacre (Notre Dame, 1962); Louis Fitzgibbon, Kutyn:<br />

Crime ivithoiit parallel (Londra. 1971); Despatches o/Sir Owen O'Malley to the British Government<br />

(l.ondra. 1972); M. Dabrowski (der.), Katyrt, İ940-I99CF Documentary Exhibition Commemorating<br />

the Fijticlh Anniversary (Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, Londra,<br />

1990). 5. Philip C. Bell, "The Katyn Graves Revealed" John Bull and the Bear British Public<br />

Opinion, Foreign Policy and the USSR, 1941-5 (Londra, 1990). Ayrıca bkz. C. S. ve S. A. Garrett.<br />

"Dealh and Politics: The Katyn Forest Massacre and American Foreign Policy", Fast<br />

European Quarterly. 20/4, Ocak 1987, 429-46. 6. The Times, 10 Haziran 1995. 7. Nicholas<br />

Bethell, "The Cold Killers of Kalinin", the Observer, 6 Ekim 1991. Sovyetlerin suçlarını<br />

itiraf etmelerinden sonra yayınlanan incelemelerden. Allen Paul, Kcıtyıı. the Uıılold Story of<br />

Stalin's Polish Massacre (New York. 1991), ve Vladimir Abarinow, The Murderers of Katvn,<br />

Rusçadan çev, (Hippocrene. New York, 1993) 8. Yasadışı yayma bkz., j. I.ojek. Dzicje<br />

sprawy Kalynia (Varşova, 1983). 9. The Blach Booh of Polish Censorship (Polonya Devlet<br />

sansürünün 1976 yılı talimatları) (Londra, 1977). 10. A. Moszynski (der.), Li.sta Katyusha<br />

(Katyn Listesi) (Londra, 1977). 11. Bkz. Ewa Harasın Taylor, A Lı/e with Alan (Londra,<br />

1987), 221.<br />

KAZ ADIMI 1. Bkz. P. J. I laythornthsvaite, Fredeı ich the Great's Army (Londra, 1991); ayrıca<br />

Gordon Craig, The Politics oj the Prussian Army, 1640-1945 (Oxford, 1955).<br />

KEELHAUL 1. Denis Hills, Tyrants and Mountains, a Reckless Lije (Londra, 1992), 103-8. 2.<br />

Ibid. 120-4. Hills, Leon Uvis'in Exodus adlı romanında ve bvt olay, temel olarak çekilen Hollywood<br />

filminde, geminin batmasını önlemeye çalışan adam olarak karjkatürleşlirilmekıen<br />

ötürü ödüllendirilmiştir. 3. /bid, 130. 4. (bid, 136. 5. Ibid, 137-40. 6. Bkz. Nicholas<br />

Bethell, The Last Secret: Forcible Repartrialion to Russia, 1944-47 (l.ondra. 1974); Nicholas<br />

Tolstoy. Victims oj Yalla (Londra. 1978); Nicholas Tolstoy, The Minister and (he Massacres

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