Norman Davies - Avrupa Tarihi

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Kulucttl; Notion 1255<br />

MONTA1LLOU 1. E. Le Rov Ladıırıe. Moııtailloıı Cutlıar s and Catholics tıı a EkpkTi Village,<br />

1294-1324, çev. B. Brav (Londra. 1980), 276. 2. Ibid. 212.<br />

MORES I, Norbert Elias. Uhu den Process der Zivilisation: sojiogeiictische und psychogenctischc<br />

Untersuchungen (Basel, 1939). ı; çev. The Historv of Manners (Oxford. 1978). 68 vd. 2.<br />

Und. bl. 2, vi'i, "On Spilling". 3. (bid, 129. 4. Ibid. 85-162. 5. /bid<br />

MDRANO Î. !.. Zechin, Vetrcr e vctiaı di Mıııuno sfudi Sulla s(oıia del vetro (Venedik, 1987); ayrıca<br />

M, Deköwna, S^IHo w (Juropte wc^csnosrrdmowicc^ue; (Wroclaw, 1980).<br />

MUSIKt l. A, Ls.ils ve E. Martin'den (der ) sonra. Dictionary of'Music (Londra, 1982), 247-248<br />

(makam), 337-338 (gam).<br />

NI:Z 1, Desmond Morris ve diğerleri. Gestures: Their Origins ami Di.stiibu(ion, "The Nose<br />

Thumb" (Londra, 1979), Balı <strong>Avrupa</strong> incclcmcsi, 25-42, 2, Bkz, J. Bremmcr ve H. Roodenburg<br />

(der,), A Cultural History of Gesture (Oxford, 1993).<br />

N1BELUNG 1. W. Huber, Auf der Suche nach den Nibelungen (Gütersloh, 1981), 20. 2. II. And<br />

M. Garland, The Oxford Compelnion to Gcmtcın Literature, 2. baskı (Oxford, 1986), 664-667.<br />

NIGBOLU 1. Bkz. Barbara Tuchman, A Distant Mirror 7'he Calamitous Fourteenth Cculurv<br />

(Londra, 1978).<br />

NOBEL 1. E. Bergengen, Alfred Nobel: the Man and his Worfc (Londra, 1962); N. K. Stahle. Alfred<br />

Nobel and (he Nobel Prises (Stockholm, 1986).<br />

NOMEN 1. James Gow, A Companion io School Classics (Londra, 1888), 166 vd. 2. Neal Ascherson.<br />

"Do me a favour, forget my name..." (Bana bir iyilik et, adımı unut...). Independent<br />

on Sunday, 4 Eylül 1994, 3. Bkz. Pamietnilıi Eilipha, (der.) W. Zambrzycki (Varşova,<br />

1957), 115 vd.; aktaran: <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Davies</strong>, Heart of Europe, 245-247,<br />

NOMISMA 1. E. Junge. World Coin Encyclopaedia (Londra, 1984), I 5. 2. Bkz. Jean Babelon. La<br />

Numismalii|ue antique (Paris. 1949).<br />

NORGE 1 Bkz. G. Opsıad ve diğerleri, Norway (Londra, 1991).<br />

NOSTRADAMUS 1. Nostradamus, Prophecies i. 35. Bkz. E, Clieetham, Che Prophecies of Nostradamus<br />

(Londra, 1973). 2. Prophecies x. 39. 3 Ibid, i. 3. 4. Ibid, i. 63.<br />

NOVGOROD 1. F. M, THompson, ı-ı' Great: Excavations at the Mediaeval City (Londra,<br />

1967). 58. Ayrıca bkz. M. Brisbane (der.). The Archaeology of Novgorod, Russia Recent<br />

Results from the 7"o» n and Its Hinterland (Lincoln, 1992). 2. Ibid, 63. 3. Novgorod'un yıkılması<br />

ve 60.000 kentlinin öldürülmesi lık. bkz., 1. Grey, Ovan the Terrible (Londra, 1964),<br />

178-82.<br />

NOYADES 1. Bkz. j. Brooman, The Reign of Terror in France: Jean-Baptist? Carrier and (he Drownings<br />

at Names (York, 1986). 2. Bkz. Jan Karski, The Secret State (Londra, 1944). 3. R.<br />

I hlberg, "Origins of the Killing Centers", T he Destruction of the European Jews (New York,<br />

1985), 221-38. 4. J. C. Pressac. Auschwitz Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers<br />

(New York, 1989). 5. International Military Tribunal'dan (Nuremberg, 1946), viii. 324-<br />

9 6. Lyubo Boban. "jasenovac and the Manipulation of History", East European Politics<br />

and Societies, 4 (1990), 580-93.<br />

OEDIPUS 1. Betty Radice, Who's who in the Ancient World: a Handbook to the Survivors of the<br />

Grecli and Roman Classics (Londra, 1973), "Oedipus", s. 177-178.<br />

OMPHALOS I. F. I'oulsen, Delphi (Londra, 1920), 29. 2. Bkz. H. W. Parke, The Greek Oracles<br />

(Lonclra, 1967), "Delphic Procedure", 72-81. 3. 11. W. Parke vc D. E. W. Wormell, The<br />

Delphic Oracle (Oxford, 1956). c. ti. The Oracular Responses, henüz Yunanca'dan çevrilmemiş<br />

olsa bile, söylendiği bilinen büıtın kehanetlerle ilgili yorucu vc kritik bir çalışmanın<br />

ürünüdür 4. Parke. The Greek Oracles, 34.<br />

OPERA 1. New Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, (der.) Stanley Sadie (Londra, 1992),<br />

xii. 514-34. Ayrıca bkz. R. Parker (der ), Tlıe Oxford Illustrated History of Opera (Oxford,<br />

1994).<br />

ORANGE 1. Françoise Gasparrı. La Principautc J'Orangr au Moyen Age (Pans, 1985). 2. Bkz.<br />

C. V. Wedgewood, William (he Silent (Londra, 1944); Marion Gresvs, The House of Orange<br />

(Londra, 1947), IL Fl. Rowen, The Princes of Orange Stallholders in the Dutch Republic<br />

(Cambridge. 1988). 3. Bkz. C. Fuzgibbon. Red Hand The Ulster Colony (Londra, 1971),<br />

Tony Gray, The Orange Ol der (Londra, 1972).

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