Norman Davies - Avrupa Tarihi

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Kutucuh Notion 1259<br />

David Selbourtıe, Dır Principle oj Duly Arı Essay on (İte Eımnddtioııs »/ Civic Duly (l.orıdra,<br />

1994).<br />

SİMYA I R. J W. Evans, 'Rudolph and the Occult Arts', in Rudolph II and IIis World, a Study in<br />

/rt( filed ual History. 1576-1612 (Oxford. 1973). 196-242 2. M. Rail v. 'A Transylvanian<br />

Alchemist in London', Slavonic and East European Revicw'da çıkacak, 3. Evans, op cit,<br />

199. 4, J, Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (Londra. 1970). 5. Bkz. E. Sherwood Taylor, The<br />

Alchemists (Londra. 1952); J. Read, Through Alchemy to Chemistry; a procession of ideas and<br />

personalities (Londra, 1957). 6. William Shakespeare, Sonnet 33.<br />

SİYAH ATHENA 1. Martin Bernal. Blaclt Athena: The A/roasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization (2<br />

cilt. Londra, 1987-91), Bkz. M. Lcvuie. "The Challenge of Black Athena", Arelhusa (Sonbahar<br />

1989), Jasper Griffin, New Vorfe Review oj Boohs, 15 Haziran 1989.<br />

SLAVKOV 1. D. Chandler, Anslcritj 1805: Battle oj the Three Emperors (Londra. 1990). 2. Leo<br />

Tolstoy, Wat and Peace, çev. Rosemary Edmonds (Londra, 1957), c, I, kilap 1, bl. xiv. s.<br />

317. 3. John Keegan, The Pate of Baal le (Londra, 1978).<br />

SLESVTG 1 Bent Rying, Denmark History (Kopenhag, 1981), ii. 332. 2. Bkz. W. Carr, Schlcswig-Holstcrn,<br />

1815-48: A Study in National Conflict (Manchester. 1963), The Ortgins oj the<br />

War o/Gcnnan Unification (Londra, 1991).<br />

SMOLENSK 1. Merle Fainsod, How Russia Is Ruled: Smolensk under Soviet Rule (Harvard, Mass.,<br />

1953). 2. J, Arch Getty, The Origins of the Great Purges The Soviet Communist Parlv reconsidered.<br />

J 933-38 (Cambridge, 1988), 203. 3. Bkz. jacck Kuron, Wiara i wina: do i od homuni;mii<br />

(Varşova, 1990), 324-5, Yazar, Dayanışma harekelinin ondc gelen üyelerinden biriydi,<br />

savaş donemi bag bozumu sırasında bir hapishane hücresini bir Gestapo subayıyla<br />

paylaştığı için 1960'larda komünist rejim tarafından hapsedilmişti. 4. <strong>Norman</strong> <strong>Davies</strong>,<br />

"The Misunderstood War", New l'orh Review of Boohs, 9 Haziran 1994 5. Gitta Sereııy,<br />

"Giving Germany Black Us Fası", the Independent on Sunday, 15 Mayıs 1994.<br />

SOCI ALIS 1. Nils Andren, Modern Swedish Government (Stockholm, 1961).<br />

SONATA 1. W. Meilers, The Sonata Principle (Londra. 1988), 655; W. S. Newman. "Flic Sonata in<br />

the Classic Era (New York, 1972),<br />

SOVKINO 1. N. Zorkaya, An Illustrated History oj Soviet Cinema (New York, 1991). 2. Zikr.: R.<br />

Taylor, T he Politics of the Soviet Cinema, 1917-29 (Cambridge, 1979), 39<br />

SOYKIRIM 1. G.J. Libaridian. A Crime of Silence: the Armenian Genocide (Londra, 1985), D. M.<br />

Lang, The Armenians.' a people in exile (Londra, 1981); C. J. Walker, Armenia- survival of a<br />

nation (Londra, 1990); S. L. Sonyel, The Ottoman AiTncitiaus, victims oj grcctt power diplomacy<br />

(Londra, 1987); R. I lovannisian (der.). The Armenian Genocide history, politics, and ethics<br />

(Londra, 1991); R. Melson, Revolution and Genocide, on the origin oft he Armenian genocide<br />

and of the Holocaust (Londra, 1992). 2. Amiral Canaris'ın notlarından, 22 Ağustos<br />

1939, aktaran L. P. Lochner, What about Germany 1 (New York, 1942), 2, Dr Mark Levene'e<br />

teşekkürler. 3. R. Lemkin, A.vts Rule in Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government,<br />

Proposals for Redress (New York, 1944). Bkz. "Genocide", Encyclopaedia judaic« (Kudüs,<br />

1971), c. 7, 410.<br />

SPARTACUS 1. R. Orena, Rivoltu e rıvolucıoııe: il helium di Spartaco (Milano, 1984), W. Z. Kubinsohn,<br />

7~he Spartacus .Aprising and Soviet Historical Writing (Oxford. 1987), 2. W. D.<br />

Philips, Slavery/rom Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade (Manchester, 1985), C.<br />

W. W. Glee nidge, Slavery (Londra, 1958).<br />

SPASIT'EL 1. Ryszard Kapuscinski, "The Temple and the Palace", Imperium (Londra, 1994), 95-<br />

108.<br />

STRAD 1. D. Boyden, The Hill Collection (Ashmolean Museum) (Oxford, 1969), No 18, "Le<br />

Messie". 2. W. E. Hills. The Salafrne Stradivari (l.ondra, 1891).<br />

ST RASSBURG 1. Bkz. G. Gardes, La Marseillaise, ou les paradoxes de la glotie (Lyon. 1989); F.<br />

Robert, I.a Marsciilaise (Pans. 1989).<br />

SUND I . C. E. Hill, Danish Sound Dues and Command of the Baltic (Durham, NC, 1926).<br />

SUSANIN 1. A. Loewenberg. Annuls oj Opera. 1597-1940 (Londra, 1978), 784-6. 2. S. Sadie<br />

(dcr.). The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (Londra, 1992), ii. 1261-4.

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