Abraham Moles - Belirsizin Bilimleri

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MOLES, A., Sociodynamique de la Culture, Mouton, Paris, 1967,342 p.<br />

MOLES, A., Theorie Structurale de la Communication et Societe, Masson, Paris,<br />

1988,295 p.<br />

MOLES,A. ve ROHMER, E., Theorie de s Actes, Casterman, Paris, 1977,264 p.<br />

MOLES, A. ve ROHMER, E., Micropsychologie et Vie Quotidienne, coll.<br />

"Mediations", Denoel-Gonthier, Paris, 1967,112 p.<br />

MOLES, A. ve ROHMER, E., Image Communication Fonctionelle, Casterman,<br />

Tournai, 1981.<br />

MOUCHOT, J.M. ve MOLES A., Les Metfıodes des Sciences Humains dans<br />

l’Entreprise, Fayard Mame, Paris, 1971,217 p.<br />

NAHMIAS, S., Fuzzy Variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1978, pp. 97-110.<br />

NIETZSCHE, F., Also Sprach Zarathustra, Aubier, Paris, 1946, 698 p.<br />

NEVVMAN, J. H., La Pensee de f. H Newman, par F. Delattre, Payot, Paris,<br />

1914,306 p.<br />

NOELLE, E., Umfragen in der Massengesellschaft, Rowohlt, Reinbeck bei<br />

Habburg, 1963, 332 p.<br />

PALUEV, K., "How collective genius contributes to industrial progress",<br />

General Electric Review, mai 1941, pp. 254-261.<br />

PECCEI, A., One Hundred Pages for the Future, Meritor Books, New York,<br />

1982,186 p.<br />

PENVELAS-REIXACH, J., Ingeieros geneticos "amateurs" in Cienca y techa<br />

Vangeciardia, Senero, 1991, Barcelona, pp. 10-11.<br />

PIAGET, J., Introduction â l'Epistemologie Genetique, PUF, Paris, 1953, 2 vol.,<br />

280 p.<br />

PIAGET, La Construction du Reel chez YEnfant, Delachaux et Niestle,<br />

Neuchâtel, 1963.<br />

PIRIE, N.W., "Concepts out of context: the pied pipers of Science", Science<br />

News, n° 25, Penguin, Londres, 1956.<br />

PIERON, H., "Les echelles d'intensite sensorielle", Annee Psychologique,<br />

1948,385 p.<br />

POINCARE, H., La Science et l'Hypothese, Flammarion, Paris, 19312,292 p.<br />

POINCARE, H., La Valeur de la Science, Flammarion, Paris, 1942, 278 p.<br />

POINCARE H., Science et Methode, Flammarion, Paris, 1909, 314 p.<br />

POLYA, G., Induction and Analogy in Mathematics, mathematics and Plausible<br />

Reasoning, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1953.<br />

PONSARD, C., Fuzzy Data Analysis in a Spaital Context, Documents de travail<br />

de l'IME- Dijon, 1983.<br />


BERT, H. ve PİLOT, H., Der Positivismusstreit in der deutsherı Soziologie,<br />

Luchterband Verlag, Neuwied, 1969.<br />

PRIGOGINE, I. ve STENGERS, I., La Nouvelle Alliance, Gallimard, Paris, 1979.

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