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O papel dos manuais didáticos e das mídias educativasprinciples that underlie the pedagogical practice with such materials. According to the current publicpolicies to language teaching in Brazil, both first and foreign language teaching at school should beguided by the following principles (adapted from BRAZIL, 2011, p. 60, 65):1. provide interaction experiences, oral and written, by the use of a language, understandingnew and diverse ways to express oneself and to see the world, and developing the skills and abilities ofreading and writing required by new types of literacy;2. reflect on customs, ways of acting and interacting in different situations and cultures, inconfrontation with the own cultural surroundings, so as to realize that the world is plural andheterogeneous and to understand the role of each one as a citizen;3. build knowledge about the language studied, in particular, with regard to the differentpurposes of use of that language, according to different social and regional areas, status of participantsin interaction, place and time, and its possible modes of organization – verbal, non-verbal and visual –referring to a purpose recognized socially and historically;4. develop linguistic and critical awareness of the uses that are made of the language beinglearned, expanding this ability to reflect on the properties and functioning of the language, andrecognizing processes of intertextuality as inherent to human forms of expression;5. enhance text reading and production, written and oral, developing the skills associated withthe uses of different genres and/or audiences (everyday and formal).In order to systematize the analysis of these principles in the coursebook, one can resort tomultiliteracies theory, which proposes pedagogical practice as illustrated in Figure 1 (adapted fromCOPE & KALANTZIS, 2000, p. 35).Figure 1Pedagogical practice of multiliteracies theory- immersion in experienceSituated Practice - utilisation of available Designs (including those from students)- simulation of relevant relationships and situationsOvert Instruction - systematic, analytic, and conscious understanding of contents- description and interpretation of different modes of meaningCritical Framing Interpretation of meanings in specific social and cultural contextsTransformed Practice transfer in meaning-making practice, which puts the transformedmeaning to work in other contexts or cultural sitesThus, it is important to understand the organization of the coursebook from contextualizedsettings (Situated Practice), from which the contents (Overt Instruction) must be worked out bylearners consciously, analytically and systematically, always focusing on the meanings produced andmeaning potential. A critical stance in relation to knowledge must be adopted (Critical Framing), andknowledge should always be appropriate and given new significance in new (real and relevant)contexts (Transformed Practice).More specifically, it is proposed here that a coursebook analysis should meet the criteriadescribed in Figure 2.467

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