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(Stars) : 53:1 -By the Star when it goes down 5085<br />

5085 An-Najm is interpreted in various ways. As most commonly accepted, it means either a Star generically, or the close<br />

cluster of seven stars known as the Pleiades in the Constellation Taurus, which the sun enters about the 21st of April<br />

every year. In mid-April, or a little later, the beautiful cluster would set just after the sun, after having gradually<br />

ascended the sky in the winter months. In late May, or a little later, it would rise just before the sun. In its western<br />

aspects, it might be considered a spring constellation. To open-air nations (including the Arabs) whose climate usually<br />

presents starry skies, this is an object of great interest, and many folklore tales gather round it. When so glorious a<br />

cluster is content to bow down in the horizon and merge its light in the greater light created by Allah, it becomes a<br />

symbol of humility in beauty and power before the Most High. Whose revelation discloses the summit of beauty,<br />

power, and wisdom. Hawa in the text may mean either "goes down (or sets)" or "rises". Whichever meaning we take,<br />

it makes no difference to the interpretation given above. (53.1)<br />

56:75 - Furthermore I call to witness the setting of the Stars 5258<br />

5258 Cf. liii. 1. (56.75)<br />

77:8 - Then when the stars become dim; 5867<br />

5867 The lustre of the stars will become dim; in fact they will disappear: cf. lxxxi. 2, and lxxxii. 2. The heaven's canopy will<br />

be torn asunder: cf. lxxxii. 1, and lxxiii. 18. The mountains will be uprooted and fly about like dust: cf. lxix. 14; lxxxi. 3;<br />

etc. All the old landmarks of the physical world as we know it will be swept away. (77.8)<br />

(Sun) : 81:1 - When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up; 59695970<br />

5969 Verses 1 to 13 are conditional clauses, and the substantive clause is in verse 14. The time will come when nature's<br />

processes as we know them will cease to function, and the soul will only then know by self conviction the results of its<br />

actions. With reference to an individual soul, its resurrection is its supreme crisis: the whole world of sense, and even<br />

of imagination and reason, melts away, and its whole spiritual scroll is laid bare before it. (81.1)<br />

5970 The conditional clauses are twelve, in two groups of six. The first six affect the outer or physical life of man; the last<br />

six, his inmost spiritual life. Let us take them one by one. (1) The biggest factor affecting us in the external physical<br />

World is the light, heat, and perhaps electric or magnetic energy of the sun. The sun is the source of all the light, heat,<br />

and energy, and indeed the source and support of all the physical life that we know. It is the biggest factor and yet<br />

most remote from us in our solar system. Yet the sources of our inner spiritual life will be greater and more lasting, for<br />

they will survive it. The sun as the center of our solar system also stands as a symbol of the present order of things.<br />

The physical forces, as defined in Newton's laws of Matter and Attraction, will also break up with the break-up of the<br />

sun. (81.1)<br />

91: 1 - By the Sun and his (glorious) splendor; 6147<br />

6147 Six types are taken in three pairs, from Allah's mighty works in nature, as tokens or evidence of Allah's providence and<br />

the contrasts in His sublime creation, which yet conduce to cosmic harmony (verses 1-6). Then (verses 7-8) the soul<br />

of man, with internal order and proportion in its capacities and faculties, as made by Allah, is appealed to as having<br />

been endowed with the power of discriminating between right and wrong. Then the conclusion is stated in verses 9-<br />

10, that man's success or failure, prosperity or bankruptcy, would depend upon his keeping that soul pure or his<br />

corrupting it. (91.1)<br />

6148 The first pair is the glorious sun, the source of our light and physical life, and the moon which follows or acts as<br />

second to the sun for illuminating our world. The moon, when she is in the sky with the sun, is pale and<br />

inconspicuous; in the sun's absence she shines with reflected light and may metaphorically be called the sun's<br />

vicegerent. So with Revelation and the great Prophets who brought it; and the minor Teachers who derive their light<br />

reflected, or perhaps doubly reflected, from the original source. (91.2)<br />

(Sky) : 82:1 - When the Sky is cleft asunder; 59975998<br />

5997 Cf. the passage lxxxi. 1-14 and notes. For the three parallel interpretations, see the Introduction to the Sura. There are<br />

four conditional clauses here, and the substantive clause is in verse 5. In S. lxxxi, there were 12 conditional clauses,<br />

and the conclusion was, similar, but not expressed in precisely the same terms. See lxxii. 5. n. 6002 below. The<br />

physical world as we see it now will be destroyed before the final Day of Judgment, establishing the true Reality. In<br />

the following four clauses we have a reference to the Lesser Judgment, the individual dawn of the true Reality at<br />

Death. (82.1)<br />

5998 Cf. lxxiii. 18, n. 5769. The beautiful blue sky overhead, which we take for granted in sunshine and storm, will be<br />

shattered to pieces before the New World is established. The partition which seems at present to divide things divine<br />

from this phenomenal world has to be shattered before each soul knows the reality about itself. (82.1)<br />

84:1 - When the Sky is rent asunder 6031<br />

6031 The passing away of this world of sense to make way for a new World of Reality is here indicated by two Facts, which<br />

are themselves signs for a complete revolution in our whole knowledge and experience. At the beginning of S. lxxxii.<br />

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