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820 Note how the words "by My leave" are repeated with each miracle to emphasize the fact that they arose, not out of the<br />

power or will of Jesus, but by the leave and will and power of Allah, who is supreme over Jesus as He is over all other<br />

mortals. (5.110)<br />

821 The Jews were seeking to take the life of Jesus long before their final attempt to crucify him: see Luke iv. 28-29. Their<br />

attempt to crucify him was also foiled, according to the teaching we have received: Q. iv. 157. (5.110)<br />

822 According to Luke (xi. 15), when Christ performed the miracle of casting out devils, the Jews said he did it through the<br />

chief of the devils. i.e., they accused him of black magic. No such miracle of casting out devils is mentioned in the<br />

Qur-an. But Moses, Jesus. and Muhammad were all accused of magic and sorcery, by those who could find no other<br />

explanation of Allah's power. (5.110)<br />

16:102 - Say the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth in order to strengthen<br />

those who believe and as a guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims. 21412142<br />

2141 The title of the Angel Gabriel, through whom the revelations came down. (16.102)<br />

2142 The People of the Book, if they had true faith, were themselves strengthened in their faith and cleared of their doubts<br />

and difficulties by the revelations brought by Al-Mustafa; and all whether People of the Book or not-who came within<br />

the fold of Islam, found the Qur-an a Guide and a Gospel, i.e., a substitute for the Mosaic Law and for the Christian<br />

Gospel, which had both been corrupted. (16.102)<br />

2:87 - We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of Apostles; We gave<br />

Jesus the son of Mary clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that<br />

whenever there comes to you an Apostle with what ye yourselves desire not ye are puffed up<br />

with pride? Some ye called impostors and others ye slay! 899091<br />

90 As to the birth of Jesus, cf. xix. 16-34. Why is he called the "Son of Mary"? What are his "clear signs"? What is the<br />

"holy spirit" by which he was strenghtened? We reserve to a later state a discussion of the Quranic teaching on these<br />

questions. See iii. 62, n. 401. (2.87)<br />

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith<br />

Hadith 8.173<br />

Narrated by<br />

Abu Salama bin Abdur Rahman bin Auf<br />

that he heard Hassan bin Thabit Al-Ansari asking the witness of Abu Huraira, saying, "O Abu<br />

Huraira! I beseech you by Allah (to tell me). Did you hear Allah's Apostle saying 'O Hassan! Reply<br />

on behalf of Allah's Apostle. O Allah! Support him (Hassan) with the Holy Spirit (Gabriel).'?" Abu<br />

Huraira said, "Yes."<br />

Sahih Muslim Hadith<br />

Hadith 987 Narrated by<br />

Aisha<br />

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to pronounce while bowing and prostrating<br />

himself: All Glorious, all Holy, Lord of the Angels and the Spirit.<br />

HOMES:<br />

2:94 – (DARUL-AHIRAT) - Say: "If the last Home with Allah be for you specially and not for<br />

anyone else then seek ye for death if ye are sincere."<br />

29:64 – (DARUL-AHIRAT) - What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily<br />

the Home in the Hereafter that is life indeed if they but knew. 3497<br />

3497 Cf. vi. 32. Amusement and play have no lasting significance except as preparing us for the serious work of life. So this<br />

life is but an interlude, a preparation for the real Life, which is in the Hereafther. This world's vanities are therefore to<br />

be taken for what they are worth; but they are not to be allowed to deflect our minds from the requirements of the<br />

inner life that really matters. (29.64)<br />

13:22 – (UKUBAD-DHAR) - Those who patiently persevere seeking the countenance their<br />

Lord; establish regular prayers; spend out of (the gifts) We have bestowed for their<br />

sustenance secretly and openly; and turn off Evil with good: for such there is the final<br />

attainment of the (Eternal) Home 1836<br />

1836 Their journey in this life was at best a sojourn. The Heaven is their eternal Home, which is further prefigured in the two<br />

following verses. (13.22)<br />

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