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2:41 - And believe in what I reveal confirming the revelation which is with you and be not the first to<br />

reject faith therein nor sell My Signs for a small price: and fear Me and Me alone. 59<br />

59 You receive revelations before: now comes one confirming it: its first appeal should be to you: are you to be the first to<br />

reject it? And reject it for what? God's Signs are worth more than all your paltry considerations. And the standard of<br />

duty and righteousness is to be taken from God, and not from priests and customs. (2.41)<br />

2:74 - Thenceforth were your hearts hardened; they became like a rock and even worse in<br />

hardness. For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are<br />

which when split asunder send forth water; and others which sink for fear of Allah. And Allah<br />

is not unmindful of what ye do. 82<br />

82 The sinner's heart gets harder and harder. It is even harder than rocks, of which a beautiful poetical allegory is placed<br />

before us. In nature we think there is nothing harder than rocks. But there are rocks that weep voluntarily, like<br />

repentant hearts that come to God of their own accord; such are the rocks from which rivers and springs flow<br />

spontaneously, sometimes in small trickles, sometimes in big volumes. Then there are rocks which have to be split or<br />

dug into or blown up with dynamite, and underneath we find abundant waters, as in wells beneath rocky soil. Such<br />

are the hearts of a less degree of fineness, which yet melt into tears when some great blow or calamity calls the mind<br />

to higher things. And lastly, there are the rocks which slip or sink by geological pressure or in an earthquake, and<br />

send forth large spouts of water, as happened, for example, in the Bihar earthquake of 1934; such sinking or quaking<br />

may be poetically ascribed to fear. So there are hearts which will come to God by no higher motive than fear, but yet<br />

fear will melt them into tears of repentance. But the hardened sinner is worse than all these. His case is worse than<br />

that of rocks, for nothing will melt him. (2.74)<br />

2:62 - Those who believe (in the Qur'an) and those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures) and the<br />

Christians and the Sabians and who believe in Allah and the last day and work righteousness<br />

shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve. 7677<br />

77 CF. ii. 38, where the same phrase occurs. And it recurs again and again afterwards. The point of the verse is that<br />

Islam does not teach an exclusive doctrine, and is not meant exclusively for one people. The Jews claimed this for<br />

themselves, and the Christians in their own origin were a sect of the Jews. Even the modern organized Christian<br />

churches, though they have been, consciously or unconsciously, influenced by the Time-spirit, including the historical<br />

fact of Islam, yet cling to the idea of Vicarious Atonement, which means that all who do not believe in it or who lived<br />

previously to the death of Christ are at a disadvantage spiritually before the Throne of God. The attitude of Islam is<br />

entirely different. Islam existed before the preaching of Muhammad on this earth: the Qur-an expressly calls Abraham<br />

a Muslim (iii. 67). Its teaching (submission to God's will) has been and will be the teaching of Religion for all time and<br />

for all peoples. (2.62)<br />

6:48 - We send the Apostles only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend<br />

(their lives) upon them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve. 866<br />

866 The Apostles are not sent to cancel man's limited free-will. They are sent to preach and teach, - to preach hope to the<br />

repentant ("good news"), and to warn the rebellious of the Wrath to come. (6.48)<br />

7:35 - O ye children of Adam! whenever there come to you apostles from amongst you rehearsing<br />

my signs unto you those who are righteous and mend (their lives) on them shall be no fear nor<br />

shall they grieve.<br />

10:62 - Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve; 1451<br />

1451 Allah's all-embracing knowledge and constant watchful care over all His creatures, may be a source of fear to sinners,<br />

but there is no fear for those whom He honours with His love and friendship,-neither in this world nor in the world to<br />

come. (10.62)<br />

22:1 - O mankind! fear your Lord! For the convulsion of the Hour (of Judgment) will be a thing<br />

terrible! 2770<br />

2770 The serious issues involved are indicated by showing how terrible the consequences will be for those who disobey<br />

Allah's Will. The terror will only be for those who rebel and disobey: the righteous will not suffer from it, but on the<br />

contrary will be greeted by angels with joy (xxi. 103). (22.1)<br />

43:68 - My devotees! no fear shall be on you that Day nor shall ye grieve 4667<br />

4667 The devotion and service to Allah result in the soul being made free from all fear and sorrow, as regards the past,<br />

present, and future, if we may take an anology from Time for a timeless state. Such devotion and service are shown<br />

by (1) believing in Allah's Signs, which means understanding and accepting His Will, and (2) by merging our will<br />

completely in His universal Will, which means being in tune with the Infinite, and acting in all things to further His<br />

Kingdom. (43.68)<br />

4668 46:13 - Verily those who say "Our Lord is Allah" and remain firm (on that Path) on them shall be no fear nor shall they<br />

grieve. 47874788<br />

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