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1441<br />

not then in doubt thereon: for it is the Truth from thy Lord: yet many among men do not<br />

believe! 15121513<br />

1512 "A witness from Himself': i.e., the Book which was given to Al-Mustafa, the Holy Qur-an, which is compared to the<br />

original Revelation given to Moses. We make no difference between one true and genuine Message and another, nor<br />

between one apostle and another,-for they all come from the One True God. (11.17)<br />

1513 "Guide": the Arabic word here is Imam, a leader, a guide, one that directs to the true Path. Such a direction is an<br />

instance of the Mercy and Goodness of Allah to man. The Qur-an and the Prophet Muhammad are also called, each,<br />

a Guide and a Mercy, and so are these epithets applicable to previous Books and Prophets. (11.17)<br />

15:1 - Alif Lam Ra. These are the Ayats of Revelation of a Qur'an that makes things clear.<br />

193219331934<br />

1934 Note how appropriately the different phrases in which the Qur-an is characterised bring out its different aspects as a<br />

Revelation. Let us just consider the phrases used at the beginning of the six A.L.M. Suras of which this is the last in<br />

order of arrangement. In x.1 we read, "Ayats (or verses or Signs) of the Book of Wisdom", the theme being the<br />

wonders of Allah's creation, and its relation to His Revelation. In xi. 1 we read, "a Book, with verses basic or<br />

fundamental, further explained in detail": the theme is Allah's Justice and punishment, to preserve the fundamental<br />

scheme of His Laws. In xii. 1 we read, "The Symbols verses of the Perspicuous Book"; the wonderful unfolding of<br />

Allah's Plan is explained in Joseph's story. In xiii. 1 we read, "The Signs (or verses) of the Book": the contrasts in the<br />

modes of Allah's Revelation and its reception by man are pointed out, but not illustrated by detailed examples as in<br />

Joseph's perspicuous story. In xiv. 1 we read, "A Book revealed to lead out of darkness into light": the theme being<br />

Abraham's prayer for man to be rescued from the darkness of false worship into the light of Unity. Here,in xv.1 we<br />

read, "Ayats (or verses) of Revelation,-of a Qur-an that makes things clear (or perspicuous)": the theme being an<br />

explanation of evil, and how Allah's Truth is protected from it. (15.1)<br />

16:101 - When We substitute one revelation for another and Allah knows best what He reveals (in<br />

stages) they say "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not. 2140<br />

2140 See ii. 106, and n. 107. The doctrine of progressive revelation from age to age and time to time does not mean that<br />

Allah's fundamental Law changes. It is not fair to charge a Prophet of Allah with forgery because the Message as<br />

revealed to him is in a different form from that revealed before, when the core of the Truth is the same, for it comes<br />

from Allah. (16.101)<br />

16:102 - Say the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth in order to strengthen<br />

those who believe and as a guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims. 21412142<br />

2141 The title of the Angel Gabriel, through whom the revelations came down. (16.102)<br />

2142 The People of the Book, if they had true faith, were themselves strengthened in their faith and cleared of their doubts<br />

and difficulties by the revelations brought by Al-Mustafa; and all whether People of the Book or not-who came within<br />

the fold of Islam, found the Qur-an a Guide and a Gospel, i.e., a substitute for the Mosaic Law and for the Christian<br />

Gospel, which had both been corrupted. (16.102)<br />

26:192 - Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds: 3223<br />

3223 The hostile reception of some of the previous Messengers having been mentioned, the special characteristics of the<br />

Qur-an are now referred to, to show (1) that it is true, and (2) that its rejection by the Makkan Pagans was of a piece<br />

with previous experience in the history of man: vested interests resist Truth, but it conquers. (26.192)<br />

26:193 - With it came down the Spirit of Faith and Truth 3224<br />

3224 Ruh-ul-amin, the epithet of Gabriel, who came with the inspired Messages to the holy Prophet, is difficult to render in a<br />

single epithet in translation. In n. 3187 to xxvi. 107 I have described some of the various shades of meaning attached<br />

to the adjective Amin as applied to a Prophet. A further signification as attached to the Spirit of Inspiration is that it is<br />

the very quintessence of Faith and Truth, unlike the lying spirits which delude men with falsehood. On the whole, I<br />

think "the Spirit of Faith and Truth" will represent the original best here. (26.193)<br />

41:2 - A revelation from (Allah) Most Gracious Most Merciful 4463<br />

4463 In the last Sura (xl. 2-3) the revelation was described with reference to some of the qualities of Allah from Whom it<br />

came. Here it is described mainly with reference to its subject-matter. (1) It brings the Message of Grace and Mercy;<br />

(2) it is not merely a book of Dark Sayings, but everything is explained clearly and from various points of view; (3) it is<br />

in Arabic, the language of the people among whom it was first promulgated, and therefore easily intelligible to them if<br />

they take the trouble to understand; and (4) it opens the way to Forgiveness through Repentance and gives warning<br />

of all spiritual Dangers. (41.2)<br />

41:3 - A Book whereof the verses are explained in detail a Qur'an in Arabic for people who<br />

understand<br />

41:4 - Giving Good News and Admonition: yet most of them turn away and so they hear not. 4464<br />

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