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His Wisdom and Mercy are like, fresh clear-flowing spring-water, not like the muddy murky wisdom and goodness of<br />

this lower world which is only relative, and which often hampers life rather than advances it. (67.30)<br />

71:13 - "`What is the matter with you that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in<br />

Allah<br />

71:14 - "`Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages? 5714<br />

5714 Cf. xxii. 5, and notes 2773-2777; also xxiii. 12-17, and notes 2872-2875. The meaning here may be even wider. Man<br />

in his various states exhibits various wonderful qualities or capacities, mental and spiritual, that may be compared with<br />

the wonderful workings of nature on the earth and in the heavens. Will he not then be grateful for these Mercies and<br />

turn to Allah, Who created all these marvels? (71.14)<br />

71:15 - "`See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another 5715<br />

71:16 - "`And made the moon a light in their midst and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp? 5716<br />

5716 Cf. xxv. 61, where the sun is referred to as the glorious Lamp of the heavens: "Blessed is He Who made the<br />

Constellations in the skies, and placed therein a lamp, and a moon giving light." (71.16)<br />

71:17 - "`And Allah has produced you from the earth growing (gradually) 5717<br />

5717 Cf. iii. 37, where the growth of the child Mary the Mother of Jesus is described by the same word nabat, ordinarily<br />

denoting the growth of plants and trees. The simile is that of a seed sown, that germinates, grows, and dies, and goes<br />

back to the earth. In man, there is the further process of the Resurrection. Cf. also xx. 55. (71.17)<br />

71:18 - "`And in the End He will return you into the (earth) and raise you forth (again at the<br />

Resurrection)?<br />

79:27 - What! are ye the more difficult to create of the heaven (above)? (Allah) hath constructed it:<br />

5934<br />

5934 If man grows arrogant or forgets his accountability to Allah, in his ignorance or thoughtlessness, he is reminded that<br />

he is only an insignificant speck in Allah's spacious Creation. All the excellence that man acquires is the gift of Allah.<br />

Who has bestowed on him a high Destiny if he fulfils the purpose of his creation: ii. 30-39. Then follows a nature<br />

passage, pointing to the glory of the heavens and the earth, and how they are both made to subserve the life of man.<br />

(79.27)<br />

87:2 - Who hath created and further given order and proportion; 6081<br />

6081 The story of Creation is wonderful and continuous. There are several processes which we contemplate in glorifying<br />

Allah's name. First, He brings us into being. Secondly, He endows us with forms and faculties exactly suited to what is<br />

expected of us, and to the environments in which our life will be cast, giving to everything due order and proportion.<br />

(87.2)<br />

70:39 - By no means! For We have created them out of the (base matter) they know! 5699<br />

5699 The animal part of man is nothing to be proud of, and they know it. It is by spiritual effort, and long preparation through<br />

a good life that a man can rise above the mere animal part of him to his high dignity as a spiritual being, and his noble<br />

destiny in the Hereafter. (70.39)<br />

67:24 - Say: "It is He Who has multiplied you through the earth and to Him shall ye be gathered<br />

together." 5584<br />

5584 Mankind, from one set of parents, has been multiplied and scattered through the earth. Men have not only multiplied<br />

in numbers but they have developed different languages and characteristics, inner and outer. But they will all be<br />

gathered together at the End of Things, when the mischief created by the wrong exercise of man's will be cancelled,<br />

and the Truth of Allah will reign universally. (67.24)<br />

59:24 - He is Allah the Creator the Evolver the Bestower of Forms (or colors). To Him belong the<br />

Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and<br />

Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise. 5405540654075408<br />

5405 Allah's attributes of Goodness and Power having been referred to, we are now told of His creative energy, of which<br />

three aspects are here mentioned, as explained in the following note. The point is emphasised that He does not<br />

merely create and leave alone; He goes on fashioning, evolving new forms and colours, and sustaining all the<br />

energies and capacities which He has put into His Creation, according to various laws which He has established.<br />

(59.24)<br />

5406 The act or acts of creation have various aspects, and the various words used in this connection are summarised in n.<br />

120 to ii. 117, as supplemented by n. 916 to vi. 94 and n. 923 to vi. 98. Khalaqa is the general term for creation, and<br />

the Author of all Creation is Khaliq. Baraa implies a process of evolving from previously created matter or state; the<br />

Author of this process is Bari-u, the Originator. Sawwara implies giving definite form or colour, so as to make a thing<br />

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