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2131<br />

3391 The good things of this life have their uses and serve their convenience. But they are fleeting and their value is<br />

infinitely lower than that of Truth and Justice and Spiritual Well-being, the gifts which come as it were from Allah. No<br />

wise soul will be absorbed in the one and neglect the other, or will hesitate for a moment if it comes to be a choice<br />

between them. (28.60)<br />

28:77 - "But seek with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee the Home of the Hereafter<br />

nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good as Allah has been good to thee and seek<br />

not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief." 3407<br />

3407 That is, 'spend your wealth in charity and good works. It is Allah Who has given it to you, and you should spend it in<br />

Allah's cause. Nor should you forget the legitimate needs of this life, as misers do, and most people become misers<br />

who think too exclusively of their wealth'. If wealth is not used properly, there are three evils that follow: (1) its<br />

possessor may be a miser and forget all claims due to himself and those about him; (2) he may forget the higher<br />

needs of the poor and needy, or the good causes which require support; and (3) he may even misspend on occasions<br />

and cause a great deal of harm and mischief. Apparently Qarun had all three vices. (28.77)<br />

32:12 - If only thou couldst see when the guilty ones will bend low their heads before their Lord<br />

(saying:) "Our Lord! We have seen and we have heard: now then send us back (to the world):<br />

we will work righteousness: for we do indeed (now) believe." 3643<br />

3643 In life on the new plane, there will be no room for deception or self-deception. The most hardened sinner will see the<br />

truth and the justice of the Day of Account. He will wish he could be sent back, but it will be too late. The world as we<br />

know it will have already passed away. (32.12)<br />

40:43 - "Without doubt ye do call me to one who is not fit to be called to whether in this world or in<br />

the Hereafter; our Return will be to Allah; and the Transgressors will be Companions of the<br />

Fire! 4416<br />

4416 Faith is not content with its own inner vision and conviction. It can give ample arguments. Three are mentioned here:<br />

(1) nothing but Allah is worthy of worship, either in this world of sense or in the next world; (2) our Return will be to<br />

Allah, the Eternal Reality; and (3) the worship of Falsehood must necessarily lead to the Penalty of Falsehood, unless<br />

Allah's Mercy intervenes and forgives on our sincere repentance. (40.43)<br />

42:20 - To any that desires the tilth of the Hereafter We give increase in his tilth; and to any that<br />

desires the tilth of this world We grant somewhat thereof but he has no share or lot in the<br />

Hereafter. 4555<br />

4555 The parable is from the efforts of the husbandman, who ploughs and prepares the soil, sows the seed, weeds in due<br />

season, and reaps the harvest, You reap as you sow. But Allah will add manifold advantages for spiritual tilth. To<br />

those who are only engrossed in the vanities of this world, something may accrue in this world, but the next world is<br />

closed to them. (42.20)<br />

43:32 - Is it they who would portion out the Mercy of thy Lord? It is We Who portion out between<br />

them their livelihood in the life of this world: and We raise some of them above others in ranks<br />

so that some may command work from others. But the Mercy of thy Lord is better than the<br />

(wealth) which they amass. 4635<br />

4635 That is, spiritual gifts, those connected with Revelation. What audacity or folly in them to claim to divide or distribute<br />

them among themselves? They may think they are distributing the good things of this world among themselves. In a<br />

sense that may be true, even here, their own power and initiative are very limited. Even here it is Allah's Will on which<br />

all depends. In His wisdom Allah allows some to grow in power or riches, and command work from others, and various<br />

relative gradations are established. Men scramble for these good things of this world, but they are of no value<br />

compared to the spiritual gifts. (43.32)<br />

45:35 - "This because ye used to take the Signs of Allah in jest and the life of the world deceived<br />

you." (From) the Day therefore they shall not be taken out thence nor shall they be received<br />

into Grace. 4772<br />

4772 It is implied that 'you deliberately allowed yourselves to be deceived by the vanities of this world', or 'that you put<br />

yourselves into a position where you were deceived, for you were expressly warned against Evil.' (45.35)<br />

47:36 - The life of this world is but play and amusement: and if ye believe land guard against evil<br />

He will grant you your recompense and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions. 48604861<br />

4860 Cf. vi. 32, and n. 855; and xxix. 64, and n. 3497. Amusement and play are not bad things in themselves. As<br />

preparations for the more serious life, they have their value. But if we concentrate on them, and neglect the business<br />

of life, we cannot prosper. So we must use our life in this world as a preparation for the next life. (47.36)<br />

4861 Complete self-sacrifice, if voluntarily offered, has a meaning: it means that the person's devotion is exclusively and<br />

completely for the Cause. But no law or rule can demand it. And a mere offer to kill yourself has no meaning. You<br />

should be ready to take risks to your life in fighting for the Cause, but you should aim at life, not death. If you live, you<br />

should be ready to place your substance and your acquisitions at the disposal of the Cause. But it is not reasonable to<br />

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