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1326<br />

31:34 - Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain and<br />

He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on<br />

the morrow: nor does anyone know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full<br />

knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things). 362536263627<br />

3627 See the five Mysteries summed up in n. 3625 above. The argument is about the mystery of Time and Knowledge. We<br />

are supposed to know things in ordinary life. But what does that knowledge amount to in reality? Only a superficial<br />

acquaintance with things. And Time is even more uncertain. In the case of rain, which causes vegetable life to spring<br />

up, or in the case of new animal life, can we answer with precision questions as to When or How or Wherefore? So<br />

about questions of our life from day to day or of our death. These are great mysteries, and full knowledge is with<br />

Allah only. How much more so in the case of the Ma'ad, the Final House, when all true values will be restored and the<br />

balance redressed? It is certain, but the When and the How are known to Allah alone. (31.34)<br />

35:40 - Say: "Have ye seen (these) `partners' of yours whom ye call upon besides Allah?" Show me<br />

what it is they have created in the (wide) earth. Or have they a share in the heavens? Or have<br />

We given them a Book from which they (can derive) clear (evidence)? Nay the wrongdoers<br />

promise each other nothing but delusions. 3932<br />

3932 The people who enthrone in their hearts for worship anything besides Allah may well be asked a few questions. Some<br />

of such questions are indicated in the text with terse precision: (1) Have you seen these gods of yours? Do they exist?<br />

"Seeing" of course does not necessarily mean physical sight. We do not see the air, but no one doubts that it exists.<br />

And the air is a physical substance. There are forces that we know exist, but we do not see them. To us, who have<br />

Faith, Allah is a truer Reality than anything else that we know, including ourselves. Can the false worshippers say that<br />

of any of their false gods? (2) Have your gods created or originated anything on earth? You may worship power or<br />

wealth, but that is a scramble for things as between selfish men. Power or wealth does not create new men or new<br />

worlds. (3) Have they a share in the ordering of the heavens? Obviously your false gods fail there. (4) Or have these<br />

false gods a book or revelation from the Supreme God, with clear evidence, to give them authority to teach men? The<br />

Prophets or Messengers of Allah have such authority, and they bring evidence of the One True God. The fact is that<br />

falsehood is falsehood, however much one form of it may support another by delusions. (35.40)<br />

42:17 - It is Allah Who has sent down the Book in truth and the Balance (by which to weigh<br />

conduct). And what will make thee realize that perhaps the Hour is close at hand? 4550<br />

4550 Revelation is like a balance, an instrument placed by Allah in our hands, by which we can weigh all moral issues, all<br />

questions of right and wrong in conduct. We must do so constantly. For the Judgment in any given case may come at<br />

any time: it may be quite near, and we must always be prepared. The Balance may also refer to the God given faculty<br />

by which man can judge between right and wrong. (42.17)<br />

47:16 - And among them are men who listen to thee but in the end when they go out from thee<br />

they say to those who have received Knowledge: "What is it he said just then?" Such are men<br />

whose hearts Allah has sealed and who follow their own lusts. 4837<br />

4837 Cf. x. 42, and n. 1434; also vi. 25, 36, and n. 857. The case here referred to is that of the Hypocrites who came to the<br />

assemblies of Islam in Madinah and pretended to listen to the Prophet's teaching and preaching. But their heart and<br />

mind were not in learning righteousness, but in carping at things they saw and heard. When they got out, they knew<br />

nothing of the teaching, but on the contrary asked foolish and ignorant questions, such as might raise doubts. (47.16)<br />

52:43 - Or have they a god other then Allah? exalted is Allah far above the things they associate<br />

with Him! 5077<br />

5077 This is the final and decisive question: Is there really any god other than Allah the One True God? Every argument<br />

points to the negative. A series of questions has been asked above pointing to the negative of the superstitions of the<br />

godless. The gospel of Unity, Revelation, and the Hereafter has thus been preached by a searching examination of<br />

the position of the Unbelievers. And the Sura ends with an exhortation to leave alone those who will not believe<br />

because they wish not to believe, and to let Time work out the web and pattern of Allah's Plan. (52.43)<br />

55:13 - Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny? 5180<br />

See: 55: etc.<br />

75:6 - He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?" 5814<br />

5814 The question is sceptical or derisive. He does not believe that there is any chain of consequences in the Hereafter. He<br />

does not believe in a Hereafter. (75.6)<br />

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith<br />

Hadith 9.211<br />

Anas<br />

Narrated by<br />

The people started asking the Prophet too many questions importunately. So one day he ascended the pulpit and said, "You<br />

will not ask me any question but I will explain it to you." I looked right and left, and behold, every man was covering his head<br />

Go to UP<br />


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