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avowed enemy of man, and that Allah's Grace was ever on the watch to help all to freedom from those snares.<br />

(36.60)<br />

36:61 - "And that ye should worship Me (for that) this was the Straight Way? 4007<br />

4007 Thirdly, besides the negative warning, a positive Way was shown to them-the Straight Way, the Way of those who<br />

receive Allah's Grace and attain to Bliss, the Rope which would save them from shipwreck, the Shield which would<br />

save them from assault, the key to the door of proximity to Allah. (36.61)<br />

25:17 - The Day He will gather them together as well as those whom they worship besides Allah He<br />

will ask: "Was it ye who led these my servants astray or did they stray from the Path<br />

themselves?" 3072<br />

3072 The question is as in a Court of Justice, to convince those who stand arraigned. (25.17)<br />

25:18 - They will say: "Glory to Thee! not meet was it for us that we should take for protectors<br />

others besides Thee: but Thou didst bestow on them and their fathers good things (in life) until<br />

they forgot the Message: for they were a people (worthless and) lost. 3073<br />

3073 The creatures of Allah who were worshipped will prove that they never asked for worship : on the contrary they<br />

themselves worshipped Allah and sought the protection of Allah and of none but Allah. Cf. xlvi. 5-6. They will go<br />

further and show that the false worshippers added ingratitude to their other sins: for Allah bestowed abundance on<br />

them, and they blasphemed against Allah. They were indeed "worthless and destroyed", for the word bar bears both<br />

significations. (25.18)<br />

25:43 - Seest thou such a one as taketh for his god his own passion (or impulse)? Couldst thou be<br />

a disposer of affairs for him? 3097<br />

3097 The man who worships his own passions or impulses or desires is the most hopeless to teach or lead or guide. If it<br />

were anything else the matter with him, the Prophet could argue with him. But Reason cannot prevail over blind<br />

passion. It is vain to hope that such a man could be led, until his mad desires are killed. No one could undertake any<br />

responsibility for him, for he obeys no law and follows no advice. He is worse than brute beasts, which may not<br />

understand, but at least follow the wholesome instincts implanted in them by Allah. The lawless man<br />

25:44 - Or thinkest thou that most of them listen or understand? They are only like cattle; nay they<br />

are worse astray in Path.<br />

34:40 - One day He will gather them all together and say to the angels "Was it you that these men<br />

used to worship?" 3850<br />

3850 Here we have the case of the worship of angels or supposed Powers of Allah, or supposed beneficent spirits that men<br />

turn to instead of worshipping the true God. In fact these are mere names to the false worshippers. It is not the Good<br />

that they worship but the Evil, which leads them astray. (34.40)<br />

34:41 - They will say "Glory to thee! Our (tie) is with thee as Protector not with them. Nay but they<br />

worshipped the Jinns: most of them believed in them." 38513852<br />

3851 Wali in Arabic may mean Friend either in the sense of Protector and Benefactor or in the sense of the Beloved. The tie<br />

of benevolence, confidence, and friendship is implied, either active or passive. The angels first proclaim their<br />

dependence on Allah and their need of His protection, and then disclaim any idea of their having protected or<br />

encouraged the false worshippers to worship beings other than Allah. They go further, and suggest that when men<br />

pretended to worship angels, they worshipped, not angels, but Jinns. See next note. (34.41)<br />

3852 Jinns: see vi. 100 and n. 929. The false worshippers pretended to worship the bright and radiant angels of good, but in<br />

reality worshipped the dark and hidden forces of evil,-in the life around them. They trusted and believed in such forces<br />

of evil, although such forc<br />

48:29 – Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against<br />

Unbelievers (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow<br />

andprostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.<br />

On their faces are their marks (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in<br />

the Torah; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade then<br />

makes it strong; it then becomes thick and it stands on its own stem (filling) the sowers with<br />

wonder and delight. As a result it fills the Unbelievers with rage at him. Allah has promised<br />

those among them who believe and do righteous deeds Forgiveness and a great Reward.<br />

491349144915491649174918<br />

4913 Cf. ix. 128. The devotees of Allah wage unceasing war against evil, for themselves, and for others; but to their own<br />

brethren in faith-especially the weaker ones- they are mild and compassionate: they seek out every opportunity to<br />

sympathise with them and help them. (48.29)<br />

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