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1277<br />

1495 The enjoyment of all good and true things in life refers, I think, to the present life with its limited term, and the<br />

abounding Grace refers to the higher reward, which begins here but is completed in the life to come. (11.3)<br />

12:108 - Say thou: "This my way: I do invite unto Allah on evidence clear as the seeing with one's<br />

eyes I and whoever follows me: Glory to Allah! and never will I join gods with Allah!" 1792<br />

1792 Islam holds fast to the one central fact in the spiritual world,-the unity of God, and all Reality springing from Him and<br />

Him alone. There can be no one and nothing in competition with that one and only Reality. It is the essence of Truth.<br />

All other ideas or existences, including our perception of Self, are merely relative,-mere projections from the wonderful<br />

faculties which He has given to us. This is not, to us, mere hypothesis. It is in our inmost experience. In the physical<br />

world, they say that seeing is believing. In our inner world this sense of Allah is as clear as sight in the physical world.<br />

Therefore, Al-Mustafa and those who really follow him in the truest sense of the world, call all the world to see this<br />

Truth, feel this experience, follow this Way. They will never be distracted by metaphysical speculations, whose validity<br />

will always be doubtful, nor be deluded with phantoms which lead men astray. (12.108)<br />

15:89 - And say: "I am indeed he that warneth openly and without ambiguity" 2012<br />

2012 In the ministry of Al-Mustafa there was no mincing of matters, no compromises with evil. Evil was denounced in<br />

unambiguous terms. Mubin implies both openness and clearness, i.e. freedom from ambiguity. (15.89)<br />

27:91 - For me I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this City Him Who has sanctified it<br />

and to Whom (belong) all things: and I am commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to<br />

Allah's Will 3322<br />

3322 The Lord of this City. This was spoken in Makkah say about the 5th year before the Hijrat, when the holy Prophet and<br />

his adherents were being persecuted as enemies to the cult of Makkah. So far from being against the true spirit of the<br />

holy City of Makkah, it was actually in furtherance of that spirit, which had been overlaid by the idolatries and<br />

abominations of the Pagan Quraish. They are told that the new Teaching is from the Lord of Makkah itself, the One<br />

True God, Who had sanctified it in the time of Abraham. Lest they should think that it was a local or tribal or narrow<br />

cult, it is added that He is not only Lord of this City, but Lord of the Worlds, "to Whom belong all things". It is a<br />

universal message; but how sad it would be if the Makkans, among whom it came first, were to reject it? (27.91)<br />

27:92 - And to rehearse the Qur'an: and if any accept guidance they do it for the good of their own<br />

souls and if any stray say: "I am only a Warner." 3323<br />

3323 The duty of the Prophet and his adherents was, first, to accept Islam and become themselves shining examples of<br />

Allah's grace and mercy, as they in fact were, and secondly to preach that message and spread that Light to all<br />

around. It was not for them to force it on unwilling people: for any who rejected it would find their own spiritual loss in<br />

such rejection. But they must clearly warn them of the consequences. (27.92)<br />

27:93 - And say: "Praise be to Allah Who will soon show you His Signs so that ye shall know them";<br />

and thy Lord is not unmindful of all that ye do. 33243325<br />

3324 In a few years after that, many wonderful things happened that removed the doubts of the doubters and confirmed the<br />

faith of the Believers. They showed how the logic of events proved the true mission of the holy Prophet. Other things<br />

some minds may not be able to grasp. But the logic of events is for all to see. (27.93)<br />

3325 Trials and tribulations, persecution and exile, and the patient endurance and constancy with which they were met by<br />

the Believers-all are known to Allah and will be credited to their account. (27.93)<br />

28:46 - Nor wast thou at the side of (the Mountain of) Tur when We called (to Moses) Yet (art thou<br />

sent) as a Mercy from thy Lord to give warning to a people to whom no warner had come<br />

before thee: in order that they may receive admonition. 3379<br />

3379 This people was the Quraish. 'Though thou didst not see how Moses was invested with the prophetic office at Mount<br />

Tur, thou hast had similar experience thyself, and We have sent thee to the Quraish to warn them of all their sins, and<br />

to repent and come into the Faith'. (28.46)<br />

33:34 - And recite what is rehearsed to you in your homes of the Signs of Allah and His wisdom: for<br />

Allah understands the finest mysteries and is well-acquainted (with them). 37163717<br />

3716 The verb is uzkurna, feminine gender, as referring to the Azwaj again. It means not only "remember", but "recite",<br />

"teach", "make known", "publish", the Message which ye learn at home from the holy Prophet, the fountain of spiritual<br />

knowledge. The "Signs of Allah" refer specially to the verses of the Qur-an, and Wisdom to the resulting Instruction<br />

derived therefrom. (33.34)<br />

3717 Cf. xxii. 63 and n. 2844. Allah's understanding is perfect in every detail, however minute. Therefore use His Revelation<br />

for every phase of life. (33.34)<br />

33:46 - And as one who invites to Allah's (Grace) by His leave and as a Lamp spreading Light. 3735<br />

3735 See last note. The two other capacities in which the Prophet was sent are here specified. (4) He comes as one who<br />

has a right to invite all men to repentance and the forgiveness of sins: but he does this, not of his own authority, but by<br />

the permission and authority given to him by Allah. This is said lest people may deify the Prophet as they did with<br />

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