Escritos de Saúde Coletiva

Escritos de Saúde Coletiva

Escritos de Saúde Coletiva


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escritos de saúde coletiva


1. De La Fuente, L. & Barrio, G. Prevención de los problemas asociados con el uso de drogas

ilegales. In: La Salud y el Sistema Sanitario en España. Barcelona: SG Editores e Sociedad Española

de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SESPAS), 1995. (Informe SESPAS, 1995)

2. Wodak, A. et al. HIV infection among injecting drug users in Asia: a evolving public health

crisis. Aids Care, v. 5, n. 3, p. 315-22, 1993.

3. Glantz, M.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. mar.


4. Cohen, P.J. Immunization for prevention and treatment of cocaine abuse: legal and ethical

implications. Todos esses artigos foram publicados na revista Drug and Alcohol Dependence, v.

48, n. 3, p. 149-14, 1997.

5. Worsnop, R. Teens and Tobacco. CQ Resercher. Congressional Quartely Inc. dec. 1995.

6. Sargent, J.D. et al. Cigarette Promotional Items in Public Schools. Archives of Pediatric and

Adolescent Medicine, v. 151, p. 1189-96, 1997.

7. Slater, M. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Week, v. 9, n. 41, p.7, out. 1997.

8. Cummings, K.M. et al. The illegal sale of cigarettes to US minors: estimates by state. American

Journal of Public Health, v. 84, p. 300-2, fev. 1994.

9. Keay, K.D. et al. Effect of a retailer intervention on cigarette sales to minors in San Diego

County, California. Tobacco Control, v. 2, p. 145-51, 1993.

10. Hu, T. et al. Reducing cigarette consumption in California: tobacco taxes vs an anti-smoking

media campaign. American Journal of Public Health, v. 85, n. 9, p. 1218-22, 1995.

11. WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. WHO Technical Report Series nº 38. World

Health Organization. Genebra, 1993)

12. Heather, N. et al. Psychoative Drugs and Harm-reduction: from Faith to Science. Londres:

Whurr Publishers, 1993


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