Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...


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86 john hutton an leibniz, 25. Januar/5. Februar 1703/04 N. 59<br />

The Japonois who you mention says he is a native off the Island of Formosa, he<br />

speaks the most of our European languages, as High and Low Dutch, Italien, very good<br />

French and English and seems rather to have been born off French or of Dutch parants,<br />

and have only his own story for testimony off all he says, for his knoweledge of ye Japonois<br />

5 language we have no body here can controull him, only he affirms that every year eighteen<br />

thousand male chyldren are sacrificed in that Island to their Idols. this is mentioned by<br />

no author who heath given us any account of the religion, rites, and cerimonyes of these<br />

people, so that we doubt of the truth of what he says for most part.<br />

You have constant, and full relations, of all our publick affaires, and since you saw<br />

10 Her Royall Highness leter I nead make no repetition, what I said was, and will prove<br />

very true; and he most be a bold man will venture to say or writ any thing, of the<br />

affaires, or men, in these kingdomes, to Their Electorall Highness s , except what is plain<br />

truth; you know we are devided in parties, wherefore we are very ready to blame, and<br />

throw calumnys upon, one another; I am of no partie, and am very well with the honest<br />

15 men of both, who are the true frinds to the protestant succession, as setled by law on<br />

the Illustrious Family off Hanover[.] The Quen, as well as her parleament, have given,<br />

this winter, fresh declarations of their zeal for preserving, and secureing to posteritie the<br />

protestant line, as appears in Her Majesties speach, and in their addresses to Her, and<br />

in Her answers to them.<br />

20 Wherefore Their Electorall Highness s shows Their great wisedome, and profound<br />

judgement, in leaveing all the concerns and management off these kingdomes, even with<br />

relation to the succession intirely to Her Majesties wise councills and conduct; it is Her<br />

saftie, and the nations intrest to be steadfast and firm in that point.<br />

The affairs in Scotland will goe well, there are some men there as well as here that<br />

25 seem inclyned to a french intrest, but are ashamed when they are told of their foly. and<br />

they will for their oun saks be in time brought to know their true intrest.<br />

I saw MyLord Roxbrough att Edenbrough, who appeard very modest when he and I<br />

1 Japonois: G. Psalmanazar; vgl. N. 65 u. N. 66. 1 you mention: Hutto bezieht sich offenbar<br />

auf eine Passage der nicht überlieferten Abfertigung. 10 Royall Highness: Kurfürstin Sophie.<br />

10 leter: Huttons Brief an Kurfürstin Sophie vom 9. November 1703 (Hannover Niedersächs. Hauptstaatsarchiv<br />

Hann. 93 Nr. 492 Bl. 128–130). 16 Quen: Anne. 18 f. Majesties . . . them: ” Queen’s<br />

speach concerning a conspiracy in Scotland‘‘, 17. Dezember 1703; ” Commons address to the Queen‘‘, 21.<br />

Dezember 1703; ” Her Majesty’s answer‘‘, ohne Datum, gedr.: The History and Proceedings of the House<br />

of Commons, Vol. 3, 1695–1706, London 1742, S. 278–308. 27 Roxbrough: J. Ker of Roxburghe.<br />

20. 7. 2012

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