Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, Bd. I, 23 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ...


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N. 66 george psalmanazar für andrew fountaine, Beilage zu N. 65 95<br />

notion of Transubstantiation, he got away into Germany, where being equally averse to<br />

the Lutherans principle of Consubstantiation he left them and went into Holland, but<br />

ther alsoe not being able to agree with the Calvinists about predestination, he came into<br />

England and made himself a member of our Church. I have here enclosed sent you his<br />

Alphabet written all with his own hand, and the powers he has given the letters; he says 5<br />

this Alphabet was tought to his nation by a certain great wise man about 900 yeares<br />

agoe. I suppose you already informed about him, soe I shall say no more at present.<br />

A gentleman desired me to acquaint you that if you have not got D r C u d w o r t h s<br />

I n t e l l e c t u a l l S y s t e m , My Lady Massam will be glad of an oppertunity to<br />

present you with one; she being the authors daughter and the inheritrix of his Learning. 10<br />

My Saxon coines goe on apace, and I have inclosed the first table that you may give your<br />

opinion of it. I will by the first oppertunity send you a Welsh Dictionary, but I cant as<br />

yet hear of an Irish one, though I am told that such have bin printed at the colledge<br />

de propaganda fide in Rome. I must repeat my intreaties to you not to neglect any<br />

oppertunity of acknowledging my gratitude to her Prussian Majesty and the Electrice 15<br />

for the honours done me whilest I was at their courts, and I beg of you to command me<br />

in any thing I can serve you in, and to beleive me most sincerely,<br />

Dear S r your affectionate humble servant. And. Fountaine.<br />

A Monsieur Mon r de Leibnitz conseiller d’Etat de Son Altesse Elect le Monseig r<br />

L’Electeur de Bruns. et Lunen. à Hannovre franco E〈—〉 20<br />


Japanisches Alphabet.<br />

Beilage zu N. 65. [65. 126.]<br />

Überlieferung: K Alphabetliste: LBr. 279 Bl. 34. 2 o . 1 S. Auf Bl. 34 v o mittig: ” For the<br />

8 gentleman: Gemeint sein dürfte G. J. von Püchler, der die Übersendung des nachfolgend erwähnten<br />

Werks in die Wege leitete, vgl. hierzu dessen Brief an <strong>Leibniz</strong> vom 14./25. Dezember 1703 (I, 22<br />

N. 440). 9 Massam: D. Masham. 11 Saxon coines: A. Fountaine, Numismata Anglo-Saxonica et<br />

Anglo-Danica, 1705. 13 Irish one: Bei der Propaganda war erschienen F. O’Molloy, Grammatica<br />

Latino-Hibernica compendiata, 1677. Vgl. auch <strong>Leibniz</strong>’ Antwort.<br />

Zu N. 66: Die von Psalmanazar als japanisches Alphabet ausgegebene Tabelle wurde <strong>Leibniz</strong> mit<br />

N. 65 übersandt. Zu <strong>Leibniz</strong>’ Einschätzung der Tabelle vgl. N. 126.<br />

20. 7. 2012

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