R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz

R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz

R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz


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R&S <strong>FSQ</strong> Remote Control – Description of Commands<br />

6.1 Introduction<br />

Introduction<br />

This chapter describes all remote control commands of the R&S <strong>FSQ</strong> in detail. For details on the notation<br />

of the remote control commands refer to “Notation” on page 6.5.<br />

Before sending a command sequence consisting of commands described in chapter 6, please make<br />

sure that the analyzer mode is active, by one of the following actions:<br />

• Perform a preset (*RST).<br />

• Use the INST:SEL SAN command.<br />

The remote control commands are sorted according to the subsystem they belong to. The following<br />

subsystems are included in this chapter:<br />

• “Common Commands” on page 6.8<br />

• “ABORt Subsystem” on page 6.12<br />

• “CALCulate Subsystem” on page 6.13<br />

• “CALibration Subsystem” on page 6.101<br />

• “DIAGnostic Subsystem” on page 6.103<br />

• “DISPlay Subsystem” on page 6.106<br />

• “FORMat Subsystem” on page 6.115<br />

• “HCOPy Subsystem” on page 6.116<br />

• “INITiate Subsystem” on page 6.121<br />

• “INPut Subsystem” on page 6.124<br />

• “INSTrument Subsystem” on page 6.130<br />

• “MMEMory Subsystem” on page 6.132<br />

• “OUTPut Subsystem” on page 6.144<br />

• “SENSe Subsystem” on page 6.146<br />

• “SOURce Subsystem” on page 6.212<br />

• “STATus Subsystem” on page 6.218<br />

• “SYSTem Subsystem” on page 6.226<br />

• “TRACe Subsystem” on page 6.239<br />

• “TRIGger Subsystem” on page 6.253<br />

• “UNIT Subsystem” on page 6.255<br />

An alphabetical list of all remote commands is provided at the end of this chapter in section “Alphabetical<br />

List of Remote Commands” on page 6.330. Additionally, a subset of remote commands of HP models is<br />

supported. These commands are listed in section “GPIB Commands of HP Models 856xE, 8566A/B,<br />

8568A/B and 8594E” on page 6.256.<br />

For information on differences between the FSP and FSE families refer to section “Differences in GPIB<br />

Behavior between the FSP and the FSE Families of Instruments” on page 6.283.<br />

6.4 Operating Manual 1313.9681.12 - 01

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