R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz

R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz

R&S FSQ Signal Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz


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R&S <strong>FSQ</strong> Remote Control – Description of Commands<br />

Differences in GPIB Behavior between the FSP and the FSE Families of Instruments<br />

Devices Command (Sheet 46 of 47) Parameter Notes<br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

R&S<br />

<strong>FSQ</strong><br />

TRACe:IQ:SET ,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

<br />

new function for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

TRACe:IQ:SRATe 16kHz to 32MHz new function for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

TRACe:IQ[:STATe] ON | OFF new function for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff 0 to 100s<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel:AF -120 to +120PCT not available for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel:VIDeo 0 to 100PCT not available for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong>; replaced by<br />

TRIGger:SEQuence:<br />

SOURce:VIDeo<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel[:EXTernal] -5.0 to +5.0V not available for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel:IFPower new command for<br />

R&S <strong>FSQ</strong><br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe POSitive | NEGative<br />

FSE/<br />

ESIB<br />

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate | LINE |<br />

EXTernal | VIDeo |<br />

IFPower<br />

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate | LINE |<br />

EXTernal | VIDeo |<br />

RFPower | TV | AF<br />

FSIQ TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate | LINE |<br />

EXTernal | VIDeo |<br />

RFPower | AF<br />

FSET TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate | LINE |<br />

EXTernal | VIDeo<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce:VIDeo:<br />

FORMat:LPFrame<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce:VIDeo:<br />

FIELd:SELect<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce:VIDeo:LINE:<br />

NUMBer<br />

FSE TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce:VIDeo:<br />

SSIGnal:POLarity<br />

525 | 625 requires option B6 on<br />

FSP<br />

ALL|ODD|EVEN requires option B6 on<br />

FSP<br />

requires option B6 on<br />

FSP<br />

NEGative | POSitive requires option B6 on<br />

FSP<br />

6.328 Operating Manual 1313.9681.12 - 01

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