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O CUIDADO DAS CONDIÇÕES CRÔNICAS NA ATENÇÃO PRIMÁRIA À SAÚDE288. Improving Chronic Illness Care. The chronic care model; 2010 [acesso em 24 de abril de2010]. Disponível em www.improvingchroniccare.org.289. Rand Health. Improving chronic illness care evaluation: Rand Health Project; 2008 [acesso em26 de setembro de 2009]. Disponível em http://www.rand.org/health/projects.290. Nelson K, Garcia RE, Brown J, Mangione CM, Louis TA, Keller E, Cretin S. Do patient consentprovisions affect participation rates in quality improvement studies: data from the improvingchronic illness care evaluation. Medical Care. 2002; 40: 283-288.291. Cretin S, Shortell SM, Keeler EB. An evaluation of collaborative interventions to improvechronic illness care: framework and study design. Evaluation Review. 2004; 28: 28-51.292. Asch SM, Baker DW, Keesey JW, Broder M, Schonlau M, Rosen M. et al. Does thecollaborative model improve care for chronic heart failure? Medical Care. 2005; 43: 667-675.293. Baker DW, Asch SM, Keesey JW, Brown JA, Chan KS, Joyce G, Keeler EB. Differences ineducation, knowledge, self-management activities, and health outcomes for patients withheart failure cared for under the chronic disease model: the improving chronic illness careevaluation. J. Card. Fail. 2005; 11: 405-413.294. Chan KS, Mangione-Smith R, Burwinkle TM, Rosen M. Varni JW. The PedsQL: Reliability andvalidity of the short-form generic core scales and asthma module. Medical Care. 2005; 43:256-265.295. Lin M, Marsteller JA, Shortell S, Mendel P, Pearson ML, Rosen M, Wu S. Motivation to improvechronic disease care in three quality improvement collaboratives. Health Care Manage Rev.2005; 30: 139-156.296. Schonlau M, Mangione-Smith R, Rosen M, Louis TM, Cretin S, Keeler E. An evaluation of anadult asthma BTS collaborative and the effect of patient self-management. Annals of FamilyMedicine. 2005; 3: 200-208.297. Mangione-Smith R, Schonlau M, Chan KS, Keesey JW, Rosen M, Louis TA, Keeler ED.Measuring the effectiveness of a collaborative for quality improvement in pediatric asthmacare: does implementing the chronic care model improve processes and outcomes of care?Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2005; 5: 75-82.298. Shortell SM, Marsteller JA, Lin M, Pearson ML, Wu SY, Mendel P et al. The role of perceivedteam effectiveness in improving chronic illness care. Medical Care. 2004; 42: 1040-1048.299. Tsai AC, Morton SC, Mangione CM, Keeler EB. A meta-analysis of interventions to improvechronic illness care. American Journal of Managed Care. 2005; 11: 478-488.300. Meredith LS, Mendel P, Pearson L, Wu SY, Joyce GF, Straus JB et al. Implementation andmaintenance of quality improvement for treating depression in primary care. PsychiatricServices. 2006; 57: 48-55.301. Vargas RB, Mangione CM, Asch S, Keesey J, Rosen M, Schonlau M, Keeler EB. Can a chroniccare model collaborative reduce heart disease risk in patients with diabetes? J. Gen.Intern.Med. 2007; 22: 215-222.302. McCulloch DK, Price MJ, Hindmarsh M, Wagner E. A population-based approach to diabetesmanagement in a primary care setting : early results and lessons learned. Eff. Clin. Pract.1998; 1: 12-22.459

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