pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski


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„Czasowe odebranie” oraz „przepadek” jako szczególne œrodki prawnej ochrony...147praktykê przed dylematem, jak post¹piæ w konkretnym przypadku, lub te¿zmusza do poszukiwania dróg wyjœcia nie zawsze zgodnych z liter¹ prawa.Uwzglêdnienie zg³oszonych w tekœcie postulatów de lege ferenda powinnoprzyczyniæ siê do wyeliminowania powy¿szych mankamentów.Summary“The temporary collection” or its “forfeiture”as a specific means of legal protection of animalsThe circumstances that a living animal is considered to be a good ofspecial significance, decided the process of making animals the object of anintense legal protection. Not only the complex system of international andcommunity standards of legal protection of these living creatures, but alsovarious national regulations seem to prove it. Apart from specific provisionsin administrative, penal and civil law, the Law of 21 August 1997 on Protectionof Animals is fundamental in Polish legal order. The statue introducedthe principle of dereification into state legal system. According to the principle,a living animal cannot be identified with a thing. Special provisionsof the Law provide many instruments aimed to guarantee the effective legalprotection of animals. Two of them require special reference: the temporarycollection of an animal or its forfeiture. These instruments enable to imposesanctions on possessor or owner of an animal (like the temporary/constantloss of holding of an animals or even the loss of ownership rights) in caseof non-humanitarian treatment of an animal. The Law on Protection ofAnimals specifies prerequisites of liability of owners or possessors of ananimal. It also determines details regarding procedure and legal consequencesof application of the above-mentioned legal sanctions. The paper aims topresent the analysis regarding the most important areas of legal protectionof animals.

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