pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski


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30 Piotr Majerwra¿enia te by³y na tyle dobre, i¿ nasi goœcie bêd¹ powracaæ, utwierdzaj¹csiê w przekonaniu, ¿e nie tylko warto, ale nale¿y tutaj przyje¿d¿aæ. Nale¿yponadto wyraziæ przekonanie, ¿e podobnie dobr¹ opiniê bêd¹ nam wystawiaæco roku maturzyœci, wybieraj¹c Wydzia³ Prawa i Administracji UWM jakomiejsce zdobywania wiedzy.SummaryThe genesis and first decade of the Faculty of Law and Administrationof University of Warmia and MazuryThe Faculty of Law and Administration of The University of Warmia andMazury had been formally created by the act of University Senate of 10thJuly 2001, which came into power on 1st September 2001. This decision waspossible due to achievements of former academic structures interested inlegal and administrative sciences. First of them was a Chair of Law andLocal Self-Government of High School of Pedagogy, created on 26th October1993. It was a base for the Institute of Law and Local Self-Government ofHSP in Olsztyn. The Institute was renamed into Institute of Law and Administrationon 1st February 1998. All those structures functioned in the framesof the Faculty of Humanities of HSP in Olsztyn. The creation of Universityof Warmia and Mazury, on 1st September 1999 was a favorable momentfor accenting the increasing role legal and administrative sciences in Olsztyn.The main evidence of this tendency was creating of the Faculty ofManagement and Administration, in which the Institute of Law and Administrationwas responsible for two scientific and didactic branches – law andadministration. The final result of organization changes was creation of theFaculty of Law and Administration. Since then, the faculty has enriched itseducational offer by establishing the new specialization – Internal Security.Moreover, the faculty leads few postgraduate studies. It is also an activemember of the Erasmus network The major achievement of the Faculty isacquiring the possibility to confer the title of doctor of the law. By this timethe Faculty has lead few doctoral procedures.

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