pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski

pobierz - Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski


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246 Stanis³aw Pieprzny3. Obowi¹zuj¹cy w strefach specjalnych re¿im administracyjnoprawnyjest zró¿nicowany i zale¿ny od chronionego dobra, bêd¹cego celem utworzeniastrefy.4. Zró¿nicowanie podstaw prawnych tworzenia stref specjalnych powodujeuczestnictwo w ich tworzeniu wielu organów administracji publicznej.W zwi¹zku z szybkim rozwojem spo³ecznym, europeizacj¹ prawa krajowego,postêpuj¹c¹ jurydyzacj¹ ¿ycia publicznego oraz potrzeb¹ ochrony corazto nowych wartoœci maj¹cych wymiar spo³eczny koniecznoœci¹ bêdzie tworzenienowych stref specjalnych.SummaryTypes of special zonesSpecial zones are doctrinal concept. In law they occur most frequently asspecial areas, zones of special protection or areas of special legal regulation.Special zone is often defined as a separate area within the state, where areestablished regulations shaping the rules for the use of these areas, principlesand ways of behaving in these areas or use of these areas. Isolating thespecial zone is associated with the establishment of a zone of administrativeand legal regime. Separate regulations in special zones are mainly concernedwith the limitations of public law, but they can also be a privileges of whichthe beneficiary can be anyone, or only those subjects that meet certainconditions. In Polish law, with regard to the object of regulation we candistinguish among others zones associated with national defense, environmentalprotection zone, the zone associated with the protection of formerconcentration camps and economic zones. Due to the increasing diversity ofsocial relations and the need to protect certain values in particular areas ofthe state, the existence of previous and creating new specialty areas isinevitable.

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