U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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process at any arbitrary stage in its operations is difficult. The Locus Operating System provided such a<br />

facility, but handling all complex cases is tricky. A more common approach is to provide facilities that allow<br />

processes to enter migratable states where the more complex situations cannot arise. Typically, this means<br />

they are temporarily quiescent until the migration completes. Not providing process migration at all is even<br />

more common. Process migration has not been a popular capability in the systems that do provide it.<br />

Security Services<br />

Single-machine operating systems provide some degree of security by relying on the characteristics of<br />

the hardware they run, and by leveraging the fact that the operating system trusts itself. Access control<br />

mechanisms for files, separation of data belonging to different processes, and authentication of users to<br />

the system work on these assumptions. In a distributed operating system, communications often go over<br />

insecure shared networks, and the remote operating systems might not be as fully trusted as the local<br />

system. The security problems are thus harder to solve, and distributed operating systems sometimes<br />

provide facilities to handle the problems.<br />

The use of an insecure network is typically handled by either authenticating or encrypting network<br />

traffic. A properly designed cryptographic system can usually make it difficult for outsiders to improperly<br />

inject or alter traffic, or to read secret information in transit. Such a cryptographic approach does not<br />

solve all problems, since one system must still rely on a remote system to enforce security restrictions<br />

just as the local system would. For example, if a sensitive file is stored at node A, when node B requests<br />

access to the file, node A can check that the request was made by a user with the right to view the file;<br />

however, if in response node A provides blocks of the file to the proper user on node B, node A must<br />

trust that node B will not maliciously or accidentally also provide the blocks to improper users. Node B<br />

has concerns, as well, because it cannot determine if node A has properly applied access control to the<br />

file. If node A has not done so, node B might provide its user with data that should be inaccessible. These<br />

concerns make it relatively difficult to set up a distributed operating system in environments where all<br />

participant systems do not completely trust one another.<br />

Assuming that the nodes are all trustworthy to the extent that they will properly handle data that they<br />

can properly access, the distributed system must still authenticate the requests from participants. Otherwise,<br />

one of the nodes in the distributed system might tag requests to remote nodes from user X with<br />

the identity of user Y, allowing X to access data improperly. The remote node must independently verify<br />

that the request really came from user Y. Many cryptographically based mechanisms can provide such<br />

authentication. One option is the Kerberos system, which allows machines in a distributed environment<br />

to authenticate identities and provide controlled access to services [5]. Security designers are generally<br />

happiest with heavily tested and used mechanisms, because they are less likely to have undiscovered<br />

security bugs, so Kerberos’ long history and the amount of scrutiny applied to it make it popular.<br />

35.4 Sample Distributed Operating Systems<br />

Locus<br />

The Locus Operating System was an early ambitious attempt to build a distributed operating system that<br />

provided all users with a single system image [6]. It was developed at UCLA and the Locus Computing<br />

Corporation throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. Locus was intended to be Unix-compatible, both<br />

in terms of the operating system interface provided and the experience of users. Ideally, a Locus user<br />

would be given the illusion of a single large Unix system vastly more powerful than any single machine<br />

could provide. In actuality, the distributed operating system would run on each component node of the<br />

system. The nodes worked together to maintain the single image.<br />

The Locus system achieved some success, but ran into several problems that prevented it from becoming<br />

popular. The system demonstrated the value and feasibility of providing high transparency in a<br />

distributed operating system, and pioneered concepts such as file replication. But the challenges of providing<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC

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