U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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increment lowestPriorityOnDisk(disk(bi))) increment blocksWithPriority(priority(bi)) increment numberOfBlocksPlaced<br />

if (numberOfBlocksPlaced = M) then<br />

decrement numberOfBlocksPlaced by blocksWithPriority(lowestPriority)<br />

increment lowestPriority<br />

By using the priority assignment described here, it has been shown that L-OPT always creates a schedule<br />

that is within a factor Θ√(MD/L) times the length of the schedule created by the optimal offline algorithm,<br />

and that this is the best possible ratio. In addition, L-OPT’s schedule is never more than twice the length<br />

of that created by any online algorithm (including algorithms that consistently make fortuitously correct<br />

guesses) that has the same amount of lookahead. Finally, note that if the entire reference string is known<br />

in advance, then L-OPT is the optimal offline algorithm [32].<br />

33.7 Optimal Parallel-Disk Caching<br />

For general reference strings where blocks may be repeatedly accessed, the buffer manager must decide<br />

which blocks to cache and which to evict. As noted earlier, the optimal single-disk caching policy<br />

embodied in the MIN algorithm can be decidedly suboptimal in the parallel I/O case. Prefetching and<br />

caching need to harmoniously cooperate in the multiple-disk situation. The caching problem has been<br />

studied by several researchers in the recent past for different I/O organizations. For a distributed-buffer<br />

configuration where each disk has its own private buffer, an algorithm P-MIN that generalizes MIN to<br />

multiple disks was shown to be optimal [57]. P-MIN uses the furthest forward reference policy on each<br />

disk independently to determine the eviction candidate for that disk. It initiates an I/O only on demand;<br />

in the ensuing I/O operation it prefetches aggressively from every disk unless the reference to the block<br />

to be prefetched is further than the references of all blocks currently in that buffer. For a shared-buffer<br />

configuration in the stall-model of computation, a sophisticated near-optimal algorithm called Reverse-<br />

Aggressive to minimize the stall time was proposed and analyzed in [36].<br />

Recently, an optimal prefetching and caching algorithm, SUPERVISOR, for the parallel disk model<br />

was presented in [34]. Like the L-OPT algorithm for prefetching, SUPERVISOR uses the general framework<br />

of priority-controlled greedy I/O. The scheme for assigning priorities to references is, however,<br />

considerably more complex than that used by L-OPT for read-once reference strings. Just as a low priority<br />

with respect to prefetching indicates that an I/O for that block can be delayed, a low priority with respect<br />

to caching indicates that the block can be evicted from the buffer.<br />

Intuitively, SUPERVISOR assigns priorities in accordance with two principles: issue prefetches for<br />

blocks close to their reference so that they do not wastefully occupy buffer space, and avoid caching a<br />

block if there is any later free I/O slot available, which can be used to fetch it. Among possible candidates<br />

for a block to cache, it is desirable to cache a block that will occupy the buffer for a smaller duration.<br />

Hence, the question to be answered is: Given that at some time we would like two previously referenced<br />

blocks in the buffer, which of these should have been cached and which should be fetched now? It is<br />

preferable to cache the block whose previous reference is closer to the current time, as this reduces the<br />

buffer pressure between the two previous accesses. SUPERVISOR uses this intuition to assign priorities<br />

to blocks for prefetching and caching.<br />

The formal details of the priority assignment algorithm used by SUPERVISOR are presented in [34].<br />

The routine examines subsets of the lookahead consisting of M distinct references and then assigns priorities<br />

to one block from each disk. The idea behind the assignment can be understood by considering the largest<br />

subsequence of the lookahead including the last reference and having at most M distinct references. All<br />

blocks which are assigned the smallest priority should belong to this set. Otherwise there will be some<br />

reference such that M or more blocks referenced after it have a higher, or same priority. Which among<br />

these blocks should have the lowest priority? The lowest priority can be assigned to, at most, one distinct<br />

reference from each disk. Additionally, among two blocks from the same disk, this priority is assigned to<br />

the block with the previous reference outside this subsequence is earlier, because we would rather not<br />

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