U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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and software requirements and trade-offs. The objective of this chapter is to present a common framework<br />

for studying different multiprocessing and multithreading techniques, and to discuss existing multithreaded<br />

processors and futuristic proposals in the light of this framework. The following are some of<br />

the questions that are specifically addressed in the common framework:<br />

• Parallel programming model<br />

• Nature of threads<br />

• PE Interconnects<br />

• Role of the compiler<br />

The introduction section has highlighted the importance of multithreading and multiprocessing. The<br />

rest of this chapter is organized as follows. The section on “Parallel Processing Software Framework”<br />

presents a common framework for studying different multithreading and multiprocessing approaches,<br />

and highlights software issues that are important to consider while examining them. The section on<br />

“Parallel Processing Hardware Framework” presents a common framework for studying parallel processor<br />

hardware configurations. The “Concluding Remarks” section provides a survey of existing multithreaded<br />

processors and proposals. In particular, it describes how multithreading is employed in the multiscalar<br />

processor, the superthreaded processor, the trace processor, the M-machine, and some of the other<br />

multithreaded microarchitectures. Finally, “Concluding Remarks” presents a qualitative comparison and<br />

discusses future trends.<br />

Parallel Processing Software Framework<br />

In this section we discuss our framework for studying multithreading and multiprocessing. We also<br />

identify three key issues related to multithreading: thread granularity, parallel programming model, and<br />

program partitioning into threads. We shall discuss each of these issues in detail. Not all of these issues<br />

are entirely orthogonal to each other, and it is our objective to highlight how each issue bears on other<br />

related issues.<br />

We define a thread as a flow of control through a program and that flow’s current state (represented<br />

by a current program counter, a call/return stack and, occasionally, some thread-private data). The central<br />

idea behind multithreading and multiprocessing is to have multiple flows of control within a process,<br />

allowing parts of the process to be executed in parallel. A process can have one or more threads doing<br />

its work. Threads that execute in parallel are invariably control-independent, in which case the decision<br />

to execute a thread does not depend on the other active threads. Thus, instructions that are controldependent<br />

on a conditional branch invariably belong to the thread to which that branch belongs.<br />

Parallel Programming Model<br />

An important attribute of any multiprocessing/multithreading system is its parallel programming model,<br />

embodied in a parallel language or programming environment. This model specifies the names (such as<br />

registers and memory addresses) the thread can access, the operations it can perform on the named data,<br />

and the ordering semantics among these operations, particularly those done by distinct threads. (In the<br />

simplest case, the model assumes multiprogramming, which has no inter-thread communication and<br />

synchronization.) First, we will discuss thread sequencing model, which specifies ordering constraints<br />

(if any) on multiple threads. Then, we discuss inter-thread communication, which deals with passing<br />

data values among two or more threads. Finally, we discuss synchronization aspects of the programming<br />

model, which cause running threads to wait for one another, and waiting threads to resume execution<br />

at the proper time. Orchestrating the inter-thread ordering often requires explicit synchronization operations<br />

when the ordering implicit in the basic operations is not sufficient.<br />

Thread Granularity and Management<br />

Thread-level parallelism (TLP) is more coarse-grained than ILP, and has wide variance in granularity.<br />

We categorize the TLP granularities into three levels as described below. Depending on the granularity,<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC

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