U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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6. Parameswar, A., Hara, H., and Sakurai, T., A High Speed, Low Power, Swing Restored Pass-Transistor<br />

Logic Based Multiply and Accurate Circuit for Multimedia Applications, in Proc. of IEEE Custom<br />

Integrated Circuits Conference, 1994, 278–281.<br />

7. Fuse, T., et al., A 0.5 V 200 MHz 1-Stage 32-b ALU Using a Body Bias Controlled SOI Pass-Gate<br />

Logic, in Proc. of ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers, 1997, 286–287.<br />

8. Fuse, T., et al., 0.5 V SOI CMOS Pass-Gate Logic, in Proc. of ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers, 1996,<br />

88–89.<br />

9. Buch, P., Narayan, A., Newton, R., and Sangiovanni-Vicentelli, A. L., Logic Synthesis for Large Pass<br />

Transistor Circuit, in Proc. of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1997, 663–670.<br />

10. Yano, K., Sasaki, Y., Rikino, K., and Seki, K., Top-Down Pass-Transistor Logic Design, IEEE J. Solid-<br />

State Circuits, SC-31, 792–803, 1996.<br />

11. Sasaki, Y., Yano, K., Yamashita, S., Chikata, H., Rikino, K., Uchiyama, K., and Seki, K., Multi-Level Pass-<br />

Transistor Logic for Low-Power ULSIs, in Proc. of IEEE Symp. on Low Power Electronics, 1995, 14–15.<br />

12. Chaudhry, R., Liu, T.-H., Aziz, A., and Burns, J. L., Area-Oriented Synthesis for Pass-Transistor Logic,<br />

in Proc. of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1998, 160–167.<br />

13. Liu, T.-H., Ganai, M. K., Aziz, A., and Burns, J. L., Performance Driven Synthesis for Pass-Transistor<br />

Logic, in Proc. of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1998, 255–259.<br />

14. Cheung, T.-S. and Asada, K., Regenerative Pass-Transistor Logic: A Modular Circuit Technique for<br />

High Speed Logic Circuit Design, IEIEC Trans. on Electronics, E79-C, No. 9, 1274–1284, 1996.<br />

15. Konishi, K., Kishimoto, S., Lee, B.-Y., Tanaka, H., and Taki, K., A Logic Synthesis System for the<br />

Pass-Transistor Logic SPL, in Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed<br />

Technology, 1996, 32–39.<br />

16. Taki, K., Lee, B.-Y., Tanaka, H., and Konishi, K., Super Low Power 8-bit CPU with Pass-Transistor<br />

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663–664.<br />

17. Taki, K., A Survey for Pass-Transistor Logic Technologies, in Proc. of the Asia and South Pacific Design<br />

Automation Conference, 1998, 223–226.<br />

18. Karoubalis, T., Alexiou, G. P., and Kanopoulos, N., Optimal Synthesis of Differential Cascode Voltage<br />

Switch (DCVS) Logic Circuits Using Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, in Proc. of the European<br />

Design Automation Conference, 1995, 282–287.<br />

19. Oklobdzija, V. G., Soderstrand, M., and Duchêne, B., Development and Synthesis Method for Pass-<br />

Transistor Logic Family for High-Speed and Low Power CMOS, in Proc. of the 38th Midwest Symp.<br />

on Circuits and Systems, 1996, 298–301.<br />

20. Scholl, C. and Becker, B., On the Generation of Multiplexer Circuits for Pass Transistor Logic, in<br />

Proc. of Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, 2000, 372–379.<br />

21. Hachtel, G. D. and Somenzi, F., Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms, Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

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22. Akers, S. B., Binary Decision Diagrams, IEEE Trans. on Computers, C-27, No. 6, 509–518, 1978.<br />

23. Bryant, R. E., Graph-Based Algorithms for Boolean Function Manipulation, IEEE Trans. on Computers,<br />

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24. Fujita M., Fujisawa, H., and Matsunaga, Y., Variable Ordering Algorithms for Ordered Binary Decision<br />

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25. Ishiura, N., Sawada, H., and Yajima, S., Minimization of Binary Decision Diagrams Based on Exchanges<br />

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26. Rudell, R., Dynamic Variable Ordering for Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, in Proc. of International<br />

Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1993, 42–47.<br />

27. Meinel, C. and Somenzi, F., Linear Sifting of Decision Diagrams, in Proc. of Design Automation<br />

Conference, 1997, 202–207.<br />

28. Tachibana, M., Synthesize Pass Transistor Logic Gate by Using Free Binary Decision Diagram, in<br />

Proc. of IEEE ASIC Conference, 1997, 201–205.<br />

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