U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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architecture, the implementation, and the compilers be specifically designed to support the packaging<br />

of multiple independent operations into long instruction words.<br />

Proponents of the VLIW approach rightly contend that VLIW design reduces the control complexity<br />

within a processor; however, the corresponding drawbacks are a loss of program portability at the binary<br />

level and a lack of flexibility. With regard to portability, the control logic added by a superscalar processor<br />

is used to dynamically determine opportunities for parallel execution within a conventional instruction<br />

stream. Thus, superscalar processors dynamically schedule parallel execution of the instructions of existing<br />

executable program files, whereas recompilation into a static representation of parallel execution is a<br />

requirement for programs to run on VLIW processors. With regard to flexibility, superscalar processors<br />

can easily respond to dynamic events, such as cache misses. Dynamic events present a difficulty for VLIW<br />

designs. For example, early VLIW designs avoided data caches so that memory access time would be a<br />

known quantity for use in compiler scheduling.<br />

The recent introduction of EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) architectures, such as the<br />

IA-64 architecture of Intel and Hewlett-Packard, is an attempt to gain the best of both approaches. Explicit<br />

dependence information is incorporated into the instruction formats to reduce the control logic complexity,<br />

and some scheduling of dynamic behavior is incorporated to provide flexibility.<br />

Instruction-Level Parallelism<br />

Superscalar processors attempt to identify and exploit parallelism in the instruction stream. That is,<br />

instructions that are independent should be executed in parallel. We briefly review the concept of dependencies.<br />

More details can be found in Mike Johnson’s text on superscalar microprocessor design [1].<br />

Dependencies<br />

Dependencies limit the parallelism between instructions because they must be enforced so that the results<br />

of program execution will be correct. Indeed, much of the control logic in a superscalar processor is<br />

devoted to identifying dependencies, so that execution will produce the same results as if the instruction<br />

stream was being executed on a purely sequential computer. Dependencies can be categorized in three ways.<br />

Data Dependencies<br />

Data dependencies exist between two instructions when the order between the two instructions must be<br />

maintained for execution to be correct. The most obvious data dependency is the true data dependency (or<br />

RAW: read-after-write dependency) in which the result of one instruction is used as an input operand for<br />

the second instruction. To preserve correctness, the first instruction must be executed prior to the second.<br />

The storage that is used first as a result and then as a source can be either a memory location or a CPU register.<br />

Two other cases arise when the second instruction writes to a storage location. An output dependency<br />

(or WAW: write-after-write dependency) occurs when both instructions write to the same storage. To<br />

preserve correctness, the result of the second instruction must be the final value of the storage. An antidependency<br />

(or WAR: write-after-read dependency) occurs when the first instruction reads an input<br />

operand from the storage location that will be written with the result of the second instruction. To preserve<br />

correctness, the first instruction must obtain its input operand before that value is overwritten by a new<br />

value from the second instruction. Both of these cases are called false data dependencies because they arise<br />

from the reuse of storage locations.<br />

Control Dependencies<br />

A control dependency occurs when an instruction depends on a conditional branch instruction. It is not<br />

known whether the instruction is to be executed or not until the branch is resolved. Thus, the branch<br />

must be executed prior to the instruction.<br />

Structural Dependencies<br />

A structural dependency occurs when two instructions need the same resource. If the resource is not<br />

duplicated, the instructions must execute sequentially, one after the other, rather than in parallel. The resource<br />

for which the instructions contend might be an adder, a bus, a register file port, or some other component.<br />

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