U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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Conclusions<br />

Configurable and extensible processors provide significant advantages compared to traditional hardwired<br />

processors. To take full advantage of extensibility, however, requires a methodology that can extend<br />

both the hardware and the software together. We showed that TIE provides a methodology for extension<br />

that is complete, fast, and robust.<br />

Using TIE can also help reduce design time by simplifing the hardware verification effort and also by<br />

allowing a more natural maping of the algorithm to the hardware implementation.<br />

Furthermore, since the control flow is described in software it is much easier to verify and to enhance.<br />

We also showed the extension can significantly increase application performance. We showed that for<br />

two different set of application kernels an Xtensa procesor with application-specific extension was 20–40<br />

times faster than a high-performance RISC processor.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

The authors thank the entire engineering staff at Tensilica. This article reflects their hard work and<br />

dedication. The authors are also grateful to Rick Rudell for the development of the DES TIE code and<br />

to Michael Carchia who did the EEMBC benchmarking.<br />

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