U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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operand fields (V1/V2)<br />

indicate whether the related operand field holds a valid source operand value<br />

(Op1/Op2)<br />

or a rename register identifier ( Rs1′ / Rs2′ ).<br />

(ii) Dispatching is not at all rename specific. Assuming in-order dispatching, the processor inspects<br />

the valid bits of the source operands (V1 and V2) of the oldest instruction kept in the RS. If both valid<br />

bits of this instruction are set and the EU is also free, the instruction is forwarded to the EU for execution.<br />

(iii) After the EU has finished the execution of an instruction, both the RS and the RRF need to be<br />

updated with the generated result. To update the RS, the generated results and their identifiers (Rd′) are<br />

broadcasted to all the source register entries held in the RS. Through an associative search, all source register<br />

identifiers ( Rs1′ , Rs2′ ) are located, which are waiting for the new result. The processor substitutes matching<br />

identifiers with the result value and sets the associated valid bits (V1 or V2) to indicate availability. We<br />

note that this task is performed basically in the same way with and without renaming. There is, however,<br />

a slight difference, with renaming the search key is the renamed destination register identifier (Rd′) rather<br />

than the original destination register identifier (Rd) that is used without renaming. The second task is<br />

to update the rename register file. This is done simply by writing the new result value into the RRF using<br />

the identifier accompanying the result produced (Rd′) and setting the associated valid bit (V) to signal<br />

availability.<br />

(iv) While an instruction completes, the processor permanently updates the ARF, and thus the program state,<br />

with the content of the associated rename register. This is done by writing the result of the completed<br />

instruction from the associated rename register to the addressed destination register. At this stage of the<br />

instruction execution the established renaming becomes obsolete. Therefore, the related entry in the mapping<br />

table needs to be deleted and the rename register involved can be reclaimed for further use. This is so<br />

since (1) after completion, the result of the instruction, that is, the content of the rename register, has already<br />

been written into the addressed destination register, and (2) after finishing the instruction, the generated<br />

result has already been transferred to all instructions waiting for this operand in the RS.<br />

During renaming, rename registers take on a sequence of states, as indicated in Fig. 6.3.<br />

During initialization the processor sets all rename registers into the “available” state. When the processor<br />

allocates a rename register to an issued instruction, the state of the allocated register will be changed<br />

to “allocated, not valid” and its valid bit will be reset. When this instruction becomes finished, the newly<br />

produced result is written into the associated rename register, and its state is set to “allocated, valid.”<br />

Finally, while the instruction completes, the result held temporarily in the rename register is written into<br />

the specified architectural register. Thus, the allocated rename register can be reclaimed. Its state is then<br />

changed to “available.” Nevertheless, it can happen that an exception or faulty speculative execution gives<br />

rise to flush not yet completed instructions. In this case, a recovery procedure is needed, and the state of<br />

FIGURE 6.3 State transition diagram of the rename registers, assuming the use of a rename register file (RRF).<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

Initialized<br />

Reclaim, if instruction<br />

is completed<br />

Available<br />

Allocate, if instruction<br />

is issued<br />

Allocated,<br />

valid<br />

Reclaim,<br />

if instruction<br />

is canceled<br />

Allocated,<br />

not valid<br />

Update, if instruction<br />

is finished

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