U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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need for fast transfers, up to 1 Gbits/s, of large amounts of information. Other emerging interconnect<br />

standards include the switched InfiniBand architecture, a synthesis of formerly competing System I/O<br />

and NextGeneration I/O proposals, with projected peak bidirectional rates of up to 6 GB/s [30].<br />

Another trend in I/O organizations is the decentralization of storage devices [24,45]. Storage area<br />

networks (SAN) and network-attached storage devices (NASD) are two such directions towards reducing<br />

the tight coupling between servers and devices in traditional I/O architectures. In a SAN, multiple servers<br />

and devices are connected together by a dedicated high-speed network different from, and in addition<br />

to, the local area network (LAN) connecting the servers and clients. Data transfer between a server and<br />

a device occurs over this dedicated back-end network. Networked storage architectures have several<br />

potential benefits. They facilitate sharing of disk-resident data between multiple servers by avoiding the<br />

three-step process (read I/O, network transfer, write I/O) required in transferring data on traditional<br />

server-hosted I/O architectures. Furthermore, they permit autonomous data transfer between devices<br />

simplifying backup and data replication for performance or reliability, and encourage the spatial distribution<br />

of devices on the network, while maintaining the capability for centralized management. A<br />

network-attached storage device [26] allows many of the server functions to be offloaded directly to the<br />

device. Once a request is authenticated by the server and forwarded to the device, data transfer to the network<br />

proceeds independently without further involvement of the server. In principle a NASD can be directly<br />

connected to the LAN or may serve as an independent module in a back-end SAN.<br />

Highly parallel I/O organizations with high-bandwidth interconnections that have the capability of<br />

supporting hundreds of concurrent I/O transfers are a characteristic of current and evolving I/O architectures.<br />

The physical realization in terms of interconnection and communication protocols, redundancy<br />

and fault-tolerance, and balance between distribution and centralization of resources are a continuing<br />

topic of current research. Complex issues dealing with cost, performance, reliability, interoperability,<br />

security, and ease of configuration and management will need to be resolved, with perhaps different<br />

configurations suitable in different application domains.<br />

Whatever the physical manifestation, managing hundreds of concurrent I/O devices in order to fully<br />

exploit their inherent parallelism and high interconnection bandwidth is a challenging problem. To study<br />

the issues at a high level, configuration-independent abstract models such as the parallel disk model (PDM)<br />

[58] have been proposed. Two extremes of logical I/O organizations based on the memory buffer can be<br />

identified: in a shared-buffer organization there is a centralized memory buffer shared by all the disks,<br />

and all accesses are routed through the buffer. In a distributed-buffer organization each disk has a private<br />

buffer used exclusively to buffer data from that disk. The shared configuration has the potential to make<br />

better use of the buffer space by dynamically changing the portion of the buffer devoted to any disk based<br />

on the load. In contrast, the performance of the distributed configuration can be limited by a few heavily<br />

loaded disks. Hybrid configurations are possible as in a logically shared but physically partitioned buffer.<br />

Such an architecture provides the scalability and modularity inherent in having distributed resources<br />

while providing increased resource utilization due to sharing.<br />

33.3 Performance Model for Parallel I/O<br />

Parallel I/O systems have the potential to improve I/O performance if one can exploit disk parallelism by<br />

performing multiple concurrent I/Os; however, it is a challenging problem to successfully exploit the<br />

available disk bandwidth to reduce application I/O latency. According to increasing evidence, traditional disk<br />

management strategies can severely under-utilize available bandwidth and therefore do not scale well, leading<br />

to excessive I/O service time. As a consequence, several new algorithms for managing parallel I/O resources,<br />

with the explicit intention of exploiting I/O parallelism have been recently advanced [5,11,32–36,50,57].<br />

The performance of a parallel I/O system is fundamentally determined by the pattern of disk accesses.<br />

The simplest form of data access, sequential reading of a file, represents the canonical application that can<br />

benefit from parallel I/O. Disk striping provides the natural solution for such an access pattern. The file is<br />

broken into blocks, and the blocks are placed in a round-robin fashion on the D disks, so that every Dth<br />

block is placed on the same disk. A main memory buffer of D blocks is used. In each I/O an entire stripe<br />

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