U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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to predictor size, and so are xlisp and perl to some extent. The hybrid predictor is the most sensitive to<br />

size, because it must allocate the available hardware budget across four tables: the selector’s PHT, the<br />

global-history component’s PHT, and the local-history component’s BHT and PHT. Each of these tables<br />

is therefore substantially smaller than in a single two-level predictor and therefore suffers more destructive<br />

interference. This especially affects the programs with large static branch footprints, like go and gcc. Yet<br />

a hybrid predictor also has an important advantage: in order to better control destructive conflicts, it<br />

can dynamically shift which component it uses to make a prediction for each branch.<br />

Note that these results do not include the effects of predication, context switching, operating system<br />

behavior, or any profile-guided feedback. All of these effects might change the results.<br />

Summary<br />

Branch prediction is important because otherwise every branch stalls the fetch engine. Some alternatives<br />

exist, like delay slots and predication, but delay slots are not compatible with modern, wide-issue superscalar<br />

processors, and predication cannot remove all branches. Static prediction techniques that require<br />

no hardware support are also possible, but they are either very simple, or in the case of compiler directives,<br />

require instruction-set support. Static techniques also have the drawback that they cannot adapt to changing<br />

run-time conditions.<br />

Dynamic branch-prediction techniques have evolved from the simple bimodal predictor to more<br />

sophisticated two-level and hybrid predictors that exploit patterns in branch behavior and correlation<br />

among branches. Refinements to these techniques, as well as new fetch organizations that permit fetching<br />

past multiple branches, continue to be active areas of research.<br />

The massive effort to find better branch-handling techniques is motivated by the severe penalty<br />

imposed by mispredictions. Especially with the long and wide pipelines of modern processors, a very<br />

small misprediction rate can severely harm performance. Indeed, the fetch bottleneck remains one of<br />

the most severe limitations on faster processing, and Jouppi and Ranganathan [53] argue that it may<br />

become the most severe bottleneck in future processors, even more severe than memory latency or<br />

memory bandwidth.<br />

References<br />

1. Skadron, K., Characterizing and removing branch mispredictions, PhD thesis, Princeton University<br />

Department of Computer Science, Princeton, NJ, 1999.<br />

2. Calder, B. and Grunwald, D., Reducing indirect function call overhead in C++ programs, in Proc.<br />

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1994.<br />

3. Chang, P.-Y., Hao, E., and Patt, Y. N., Target prediction for indirect jumps, in Proc. 24th Ann. Int.<br />

Symp. on Computer Architecture, pp. 274–283, June 1997.<br />

4. Driesen, K. and Hölzle, U., Accurate indirect branch prediction, in Proc. 25th Ann. Int. Symp. on<br />

Computer Architecture, pp. 167–178, July 1998.<br />

5. Kalamatianos, J. and Kaeli, D. R., Predicting indirect branches via data compression, in Proc. 31st<br />

Ann. ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. on Microarchitecture, pp. 272–281, Dec. 1998.<br />

6. Kaeli, D. R. and Emma, P. G., Branch history table prediction of moving target branches due to<br />

subroutine returns, in Proc. 18th Ann. Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture, pp. 34–41, May 1991.<br />

7. Webb, C. F., Subroutine call/return stack, IBM Technical Discl. Bull., 30(11), April 1988.<br />

8. Gwennap, L., Digital 21264 sets new standard, Microprocessor Report, pp. 11–16, Oct. 28, 1996.<br />

9. Gwennap, L., Intel’s P6 uses decoupled superscalar design, Microprocessor Report, pp. 9–15, Feb. 16,<br />

1995.<br />

10. Patterson, D. A. and Hennessy, J. L., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2nd ed., Morgan<br />

Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1996.<br />

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