U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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In the random oracle model, chosen ciphertext security can be achieved by combining a basic public<br />

key encryption scheme such as RSA with a simple “prepackaging” transform. Such a transform uses<br />

random padding and unkeyed cryptographic hash functions to scramble the message prior to encryption.<br />

The prepackaging transform is invertible, so that the message can be unscrambled after the ciphertext is<br />

decrypted.<br />

The optimal asymmetric encryption padding (OAEP) transform takes an m-bit message M, a random<br />

bit string R of length s, and outputs OAEP(M, R) = ((M || 0 s ) xor H(R)) || (R xor G((M || 0 s ) xor H(R))).<br />

Here G and H are unkeyed cryptographic hash functions that are assumed to have no exploitable<br />

weaknesses (random oracles). This can be viewed as a two-round Feistel structure (e.g., DES is a 16-round<br />

round Feistel structure). Unpackaging the transform is straightforward. The OAEP transform is used<br />

extensively in practice, and has been incorporated in several standards. OAEP combined with RSA yields<br />

an encryption scheme that is secure against a chosen ciphertext attack [33,34].<br />

Shoup [35] shows that OAEP+, a variation on OAEP, yields chosen ciphertext security when combined<br />

with essentially any public key encryption scheme: OAEP + (M, R) = ((M || W(M, R)) xor H(R)) || (R xor<br />

G(M || W(M, R)) xor H(R)), where G, H, and W are unkeyed cryptographic hash functions that behave<br />

like random oracles. Boneh [36] shows that even simpler prepackaging transforms (essentially one-round<br />

Feistel structure versions of OAEP and OAEP+) yield chosen ciphertext secure encryption schemes when<br />

combined with RSA or Rabin public key encryption.<br />

Without the random oracle model, chosen ciphertext security can be achieved using the elegant<br />

Cramer–Shoup cryptosystem [37]. This is based on the hardness of the Decision Diffie–Hellman problem<br />

(see subsection “New Hardness Assumptions for Asymmetric Key Cryptography”). Generally speaking,<br />

constructions in the random oracle model are more efficient than those without it.<br />

Threshold Public Key Cryptography<br />

In a public key setting, the secret key (for decryption or signing) often needs to be protected from theft<br />

for long periods of time against a concerted attack. Physical security is one option for guarding highly<br />

sensitive keys, e.g., storing the key in a tamper-resistant device. Threshold public key cryptography is an<br />

attractive alternative for safeguarding critical keys.<br />

In a threshold public key cryptosystem, the secret key is never in one place. Instead, the secret key is<br />

distributed across many locations. Each location has a different “share” of the key, and each share of the<br />

key enables the computation of a “share” of the decryption or signature. Shares of a signature or decryption<br />

can then be easily combined to arrive at the complete signature or decryption, assuming that a sufficient<br />

number of shareholders contribute to the computation. This “sufficient number” is the threshold that is<br />

built into the system as a design parameter. Note that threshold cryptography can be combined with physical<br />

security, by having each shareholder use physical means to protect his individual share of the secret key.<br />

Threshold cryptography was independently conceived by Desmedt [38], Boyd [39], and Croft and<br />

Harris [40], building on the fundamental notion of secret sharing [41,42]. Satisfactory threshold schemes<br />

have been developed for a number of public key encryption and digital signature schemes. These threshold<br />

schemes can be designed so as to defeat an extremely strong attacker who is able to travel from shareholder<br />

to shareholder, attempting to learn or corrupt all shares of the secret key (“proactive security”). Efficient<br />

means are also available for generating shared keys from scratch by the shareholders themselves, so that<br />

no trusted dealer is needed to initialize the threshold scheme [43,44]. Shoup [45] recently proposed an<br />

especially simple and efficient scheme for threshold RSA.<br />

New Hardness Assumptions for Asymmetric Key Cryptography<br />

A trend has occurred in recent years toward the exploration of the cryptographic implications of new<br />

hardness assumption. Classic assumption include the hardness of factoring a product of two large primes,<br />

the hardness of extracting roots modulo a product of two large primes, and the hardness of computing<br />

discrete logarithms modulo a large prime (i.e., solving g x = y mod p for x).<br />

One classic assumption is the Diffie–Hellman assumption. Informally stated, this assumption is that<br />

it is difficult to compute (g ab mod p) given ( g a mod p) and (g b mod p), where p is a large prime. This assumption<br />

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