U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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The output of a linear system having an impulse response h[k] to an input x[k] is denoted y[k]=h[k] ×<br />

x[k], where y[k] is defined by the discrete-time linear convolution sum<br />

Computing the convolution sum is rare. Instead, a linear system is generally analyzed using simulation,<br />

emulation, or the z-transform. The convolution theorem states that the linear convolution y[k] = h[k] ×<br />

∞<br />

x[k] of a z-transformable impulse response h[k] (i.e., H(z) = Σk=−∞ h[ k]z)<br />

and input x[k] (i.e., X(z)<br />

= ), is given by the inverse z-transform of the product Y(z)=H(z)X(z). This method is only<br />

viable in instances where the z-transform of h[k] and x[k] have been precomputed or tabled, and the<br />

inverse z-transform of Y[z] can be computed. While H(z) is generally known, most real signals are<br />

arbitrary and possibly noise contaminated, making the general availability of X(z) questionable. Nevertheless,<br />

the importance of this equation has resulted in the elements being given specific titles and<br />

meaning. The z-transform of the impulse response h[k], namely H(z), is called the system’s transfer<br />

function and has the general form<br />

k –<br />

∞<br />

Σk=−∞ x[ k]z<br />

k –<br />

The filter’s poles (p m) and zeros (z m) are the roots of D(z) = 0 and N(z) = 0, respectively. The system’s<br />

steady-state frequency response can be determined by evaluating the transfer function H(z) along the<br />

trajectory z = e jϖ , where ϖ ∈[−π, π] which represents a normalized baseband frequency range [−f s /2, f s /2]<br />

(±Nyquist frequency). Specifically, the frequency response of a system in magnitude-phase form is H(e jϖ ) =<br />

|H(e jϖ )| ∠ φ(e jϖ ).<br />

24.3 Digital Filters<br />

Transfer functions, when implemented in the time-domain, result in digital filters. The attributes of a digital<br />

filter can be specified in the time- or frequency-domain, or both. Digital filters can be grouped into three<br />

broad classes called finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response (IIR), and multirate filters.<br />

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters<br />

An FIR filter possesses an impulse response that persists only for a finite number of sample values. The<br />

impulse response of an Nth order FIR is given by h[k] = {h[0],…, h N−1[k]}, and in the z-transform domain<br />

by H(z) = Σh iz −i , i ∈[0, N − 1]. One of the attributes of an FIR is its simplicity, consisting of a string of<br />

multiply-accumulations (MACs), and shifts registers. The steady-state frequency response of an FIR H(z)<br />

is given by H(e jϖ ) = |H(e jϖ )| ∠φ(e jϖ ). A system is said to possess a linear phase response if φ(e jϖ ) = αϖ + β<br />

(i.e., linear in frequency). Linear phase filters are important in a number of applications including (1)<br />

synchronizing phase modulated data streams, (2) anti-aliasing filters placed in front of signal phase<br />

sensitive analysis subsystems (e.g., FFT), and (3) use in phase sensitive applications (e.g., image processing).<br />

Linear phase filtering can be guaranteed whenever the coefficients of an N th order FIR are symmetrically<br />

distributed about the filter’s mid-point L = (N−1)/2 (i.e., h i = ±h N−i, i = 0,…,L). The resulting<br />

phase response satisfies the linear phase equation ∠φ(ϖ) = −Lϖ + {0,±π}. Another important phase<br />

response measure is called the group delay, given by τ g = −dφ(e jϖ )/dϖ. For a linear phase FIR, τ g = L,<br />

which indicates that the filter propagation delay is always L clock cycles regardless of the input signal<br />

frequency.<br />

© 2001 by CRC Press LLC<br />

N<br />

y[ k]<br />

= – ∑ amy[ k– m]<br />

+ ∑ bmx[ k– m].<br />

m=1<br />

M<br />

m=0<br />

H( z)<br />

Y( z)<br />

⁄ X( z)<br />

bmz m –<br />

–<br />

= = =<br />

M<br />

∑ a / mz m<br />

∑<br />

m=0<br />

N<br />

m=0<br />

N( z)/D(<br />


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