U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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tools, the + 1 operation is a special case and it generates a smaller and faster increment circuit instead of<br />

an adder. Following the CASE statement, the next section of code in each model generates the shift<br />

operation and selects the shifted or non-shifted value with a 16-bit wide 2-to-1 multiplexer generated<br />

by the IF statement. The result is then loaded into a 16-bit register. All signal assignments following the<br />

VHDL WAIT or second Verilog ALWAYS block will be registered since they are a function of the clock<br />


instructs the synthesis tool to use positive edge-triggered D flip-flops to build the register. A few additional<br />

Library and Use statements at the start of each VHDL model will be required in some VHDL tools to<br />

define the IEEE standard logic type. For additional information on writing HDLs for logic synthesis<br />

models, select an HDL reference text that includes example models intended for synthesis and not just<br />

simulation [6–15].<br />

Behavioral synthesis tools using VHDL and Verilog behavioral level models have also been developed.<br />

Unlike RTL level models, behavioral level models do not specify states and the required sequence of<br />

register transfers. Behavioral compilers automatically design the state machine, allocate and schedule the<br />

logic and ALU operations, and register transfers subject to a set of constraints. These constraints are<br />

typically the number of clock cycles required to obtain selected signals [16]. By modifying these constraints,<br />

different design architectures and alternatives are automatically generated.<br />

Newer system-level synthesis languages based on C and Java have also been recently developed but are<br />

not currently in widespread use in industry. These languages more closely resemble a traditional program<br />

that describes an algorithm without specifying register transfers at the clock level. Many of these tools<br />

output a VHDL or Verilog RTL description as an intermediate step. Some new tools are also appearing that<br />

automatically generate FPGA designs using other popular engineering design software such as MATLAB.<br />

CAD tools for synthesis are available from the both the device manufacturers and third party vendors.<br />

Third party logic synthesis tools often provide higher performance and offer the advantage of supporting<br />

devices from several manufacturers. This makes it easier to retarget a design to a device from a different<br />

chip manufacturer. Following logic synthesis, many of the third party tools use the device manufacturer’s<br />

standard place and route tools. Interfacing, configuring, and maintaining a design flow that uses various<br />

CAD tools provided by different vendors can be a complex task. Several academically oriented texts<br />

contain additional details on the logic synthesis and optimization algorithms used internally in FPGA<br />

CAD tools [17–20].<br />

IP Cores for FPGAs<br />

Intellectual property (IP) cores are widely used in large designs. IP cores are commercial hardware designs<br />

that provide frequently used operations. These previously developed designs are available as commercially<br />

licensed products from both FPGA manufacturers and third party IP vendors. FPGA manufacturers<br />

typically provide several basic hardware functions bundled with their devices and CAD tools. These<br />

functions will work on their devices only. They include RAM, ROM, CAM, FIFO buffers, shift registers,<br />

addition, multiply, and divide hardware. A few of these device specific functions may be used by an HDL<br />

synthesis tool automatically, some must be called as library functions from an HDL, or entered using<br />

special symbols in a schematic. Explicitly invoking these FPGA vendor specific functions in HDL function<br />

calls or using the special symbols in a schematic may improve performance, but it also makes it more<br />

difficult to retarget a design to a different FPGA manufacturer.<br />

Commercial third-party IP cores include microprocessors, communications controllers, standard bus<br />

interfaces, and DSP functions. IP cores can reduce development time and help promote design reuse by<br />

providing widely used hardware functions in complex hierarchical designs. For FPGAs, commercial IP<br />

cores are typically a synthesizable HDL model or in a few cases a custom VLSI layout that is added to<br />

the FPGA. Several large FPGA families are now available with multipliers or RISC microprocessor IP<br />

cores [21]. FPGAs with RISC microprocessors have additional support tools such as C compilers and<br />

design tools to configure the processor and I/O systems. In the near future, it is likely that a small operating<br />

system kernel will also be supplied with these tools. These new devices are a hybrid that contains both<br />

ASIC and FPGA features.<br />

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