U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser

U. Glaeser


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FIGURE 12.7<br />

until the next clock. In the second block of code in each model, a VHDL WITH SELECT concurrent<br />

statement and a Verilog ALWAYS block assigns the output signal based on the current state (i.e., a Moore<br />

state machine). This generates gates or combinational logic only with no flip-flops since there is no sensitivity<br />

to the clock edge.<br />

In the second example seen in Fig. 12.7, the hardware to be synthesized consists of a 16-bit registered<br />

ALU. The ALU supports four operations, add, subtract, bitwise AND, and bitwise OR. The operation is<br />

selected with the high two bits of ALU_control. After the ALU operation, an optional shift left operation<br />

is performed. The shift operation is controlled by the low-bit of ALU_control. The output from the shift<br />

operation is then loaded in a 16-bit register on the positive edge of the clock.<br />

At the start of each of the VHDL and Verilog ALU models, the input and output signals are declared<br />

specifying the number of bits in each signal. The top-level I/O signals would normally be assigned to<br />

I/O pins on the FPGA. An internal signal, ALU_output, is declared and used for the output of the ALU.<br />

Next, the CASE statements in both models synthesize a 4-to-1 multiplexer that selects one of the four<br />

ALU functions. The + , −,<br />

AND (&), and OR (|) operators in each model automatically synthesize a<br />

16-bit adder/subtractor with fast carry logic, a bitwise AND, and a bitwise OR circuit. In most synthesis<br />

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC<br />

VHDL Model of ALU Verilog Model of ALU<br />

entity ALU is<br />

port(ALU_control : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);<br />

Ainput, Binput: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);<br />

Clock : in std_logic;<br />

Shift_output: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));<br />

end ALU;<br />

architecture RTL of ALU is<br />

signal ALU_output: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);<br />

begin<br />

process (ALU_Control, Ainput, Binput)<br />

begin<br />

case ALU_Control(2 downto 1) is<br />

when "00" => ALU_output ALU_output ALU_output ALU_output ALU_output

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